Latest Updates: EB02OP11


OP01-120 • Romance Dawn

Decklists With This Card

Deck Tournament Place
Marco by Andrea Maderna Regional Bologna 12th
Zoro by Giorgio Arcuri Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 45th
Luffy by Ryan Severin Regional Cancún 11th
Luffy by Luca Panini Regional Barcelona 3rd
Luffy by Brian Liang Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 16th
Luffy by anestakis Regional Liverpool 8th
Ace by Edmundo Mery LATAM TCG Online Regional 11th
Zoro by Mohammad Jawdat Fattah Regional Columbus, OH 15th
Zoro by Jackson Hoang Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 13th
Luffy by Justin Chong Treasure Cup Fort Worth, TX 4th
Luffy by Kyle Waple Treasure Cup Fort Worth, TX 9th
Luffy by David Kirchhof Treasure Cup Karlsruhe 7th
Luffy by Emre Akbeniz Treasure Cup Karlsruhe 15th
Luffy by Josef Schlosser Treasure Cup Karlsruhe 16th
Luffy by Jorge Recabal Treasure Cup Santiago 2nd
Luffy by Julio Alberto Farfan Opazo Treasure Cup Santiago 3rd
Luffy by Marcelo Ramirez Treasure Cup Santiago 6th
Zoro by Alan Oyarzun Treasure Cup Santiago 7th
Luffy by Diego Alarcón Treasure Cup Santiago 14th
Luffy by Brandon Francisco Treasure Cup Las Vegas, NV 3rd
Luffy by David Golle Treasure Cup Las Vegas, NV 7th
Luffy by Albert Mason Treasure Cup Miami, FL 3rd
Luffy by Kyle Waple Treasure Cup Miami, FL 14th
Luffy by Bryant Nguyen Treasure Cup Long Beach, CA 1st
Luffy by Kyle Waple Treasure Cup Long Beach, CA 8th
Luffy by Timothy Kim Treasure Cup Long Beach, CA 10th
Luffy by Jimmy Sunshine Treasure Cup Long Beach, CA 14th
Luffy by Brandon Babauta Treasure Cup Long Beach, CA 15th
Luffy by Richard Phan Treasure Cup Long Beach, CA 16th
Luffy by Duc Son Nguyen Treasure Cup Birmingham 10th
Zoro by Brian Batista Treasure Cup Niagara Falls, ON 8th
Zoro by Suksharn Bassi Treasure Cup Niagara Falls, ON 10th
Luffy by Liam Hessian Treasure Cup Niagara Falls, ON 12th
Luffy by Gurvinderpal Lucky Singh Treasure Cup Sydney 8th
Zoro by Sidath Randeni Kadupitige Treasure Cup Sydney 11th
Luffy by Lachlan Vowles Treasure Cup Sydney 15th
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