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Charlotte Katakuri

ST07-003 • Big Mom Pirates

Decklists With This Card

Deck Tournament Place
Yamato by Travis Rauch Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 17th
Enel by Franco Garrido Treasure Cup Santiago 2nd
Kalgara by Trazom07 OPE Online Regional 27th
Kalgara by Ricardo Lora Zavala Regional Mexico City 8th
Enel by Jaime Castillo PPG Online Treasure Cup 10th
Enel by Michael Curry Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 4th
Enel by Luke Zhang North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 6th
Enel by Jean Coelho North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 11th
Enel by Abraham Zuniga North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 23rd
Enel by Julian Shin North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 31st
Enel by Andrés Ramírez Fuentes Latin America Championship Finals, Santiago 2nd
Enel by Sebastián Chávez Latin America Championship Finals, Santiago 13th
Enel by Donat Abdullahu Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 11th
Enel by Matheos K. Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 15th
Enel by Jimmy Benadda Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 16th
Enel by Danny Lopez Regional Los Angeles 11th
Katakuri by Michael Curry Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 9th
Katakuri by Michael Curry PPG Online Treasure Cup 5th
Yamato by Pedro Estrada Regional Fort Worth, TX 11th
Katakuri by Michael Curry Carta Magica Online Regional 4th
Katakuri by Michael Curry PPG Online Regional 7th
Yamato by Aitor Naharros Regional Alicante 12th
Big Mom by Terence Leong TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 7th
Yamato by Ryan Isaac Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 12th
Katakuri by Andrés Ramírez Marroco LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 1st
Yamato by Niklas Richter Regional Den Haag 6th
Katakuri by Carlos A. Castro Regional Mexico City 8th
Katakuri by Juan Manuel Centeno Regional Mexico City 12th
Katakuri by Tamás Biro Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 3rd
Katakuri by John Nguyen Core TCG Online Regional 6th
Big Mom by Tamás Biro Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 3rd
Big Mom by Antonio Carelli Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 14th
Big Mom by Daniel Brandman PPG Online Regional 4th
Katakuri by Jonathan Maurer TAK Games Online Regional 8th
Big Mom by Luca Calonici Regional Bologna 7th
Katakuri by Tommaso Baldani Regional Bologna 13th
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