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Thunder Bolt

OP03-121 • Pillars of Strength

Decklists With This Card

Deck Tournament Place
Katakuri by Laczko Championship Finals Utrecht 119th
Katakuri by Ahmed Regional Dallas, TX 25th
Luffy by André Leal noHEROES Online Treasure Cup 29th
Kalgara by Marco Ardenghi Regional Bologna 16th
Luffy by Kodi Krueger Regional Madison, WI 16th
Luffy by Phillip Vu Championship Finals Dallas, TX 14th
Luffy by nb_nic Championship Finals Dallas, TX 16th
Luffy by Edgar Maldonado LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 5th
Katakuri by Luis Javier Vazquez Gonzalez LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 9th
Katakuri by Antonio Lorenzo Jacobo LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 14th
Luffy by Christopher Kettner noHEROES Online Treasure Cup 6th
Luffy by Florian van de Graaf noHEROES Online Treasure Cup 7th
Luffy by Justin Yi Regional Peoria, IL 19th
Luffy by metallicdragon117 Regional Pasadena, CA 3rd
Luffy by shinobi Regional Pasadena, CA 4th
Luffy by Falsifies Regional Pasadena, CA 25th
Luffy by Max Pei TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 11th
Luffy by Jackson Hoang Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 9th
Luffy by Michael Verhoeven Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 14th
Luffy by Santiago Bautista González LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 4th
Luffy by Edoardo Valenti Regional Hannover 23rd
Luffy by Jackson Hoang Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 6th
Enel by Israel Alejandro Flores Regional Mexico City 9th
Luffy by Andy Wang Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 1st
Luffy by Mak11367 Treasure Cup Indianapolis at Gen Con 2nd
Luffy by TheEgman Treasure Cup Indianapolis at Gen Con 4th
Luffy by Gianluca Di Clemente Regional Milan 31st
Luffy by Cesar Martinez Leon LATAM TCG Online Regional 10th
Luffy by Adrian Chouza Carta Magica Online Regional 19th
Luffy by Andrew McCauley Carta Magica Online Regional 21st
Luffy by Albert Mason Carta Magica Online Regional 26th
Enel by Mateo de Sierra LATAM TCG Online Regional 2nd
Luffy by Silent7 Regional Mesquite, TX 6th
Luffy by Ace Regional Mesquite, TX 47th
Katakuri by Jimmy Huynh PPG Online Regional 2nd
Luffy by Morries Wang PPG Online Regional 13th
Luffy by Rayngoku OPE Online Regional 1st
Enel by iJoeyyy OPE Online Regional 5th
Katakuri by Zook OPE Online Regional 23rd
Luffy by Damian Dier Regional Mülheim an der Ruhr 9th
Enel by Enes Minkara NoHEROES Online Regional 1st
Katakuri by Daniel Ravn NoHEROES Online Regional 32nd
Luffy by Fabian Erkelius NoHEROES Online Regional 1st
Katakuri by Giorgos Giannikos NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 12th
Katakuri by Sittipong Sayphrarath Regional Oviedo, FL 15th
Katakuri by Oliver Broughton Regional Sydney 13th
Katakuri by Robert Hudson Carta Magica Online Regional 18th
Katakuri by Mirko D'Abbruzzo NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 11th
Enel by Spades NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 24th
Enel by Nick2911 NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 28th
Enel by Sergio Villa Romero NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 32nd
Enel by Aleks Woody Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 1st
Katakuri by Tuesa Yang Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 7th
Enel by Christopher Welsh TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 3rd
Enel by Matthew Huang TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 11th
Enel by Michael Chen TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 12th
Katakuri by Emanuele C. Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 15th
Enel by Adam Stellakis Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 8th
Enel by Mark Soehngen Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 9th
Katakuri by Sean Kozin Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 12th
Enel by José Alberto Carmona Quiñones LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 3rd
Katakuri by Cristian Chu LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 11th
Katakuri by Giovanni Ragusa PPG Online Treasure Cup 1st
Katakuri by Alejandro Mendoza Barrios PPG Online Treasure Cup 6th
Enel by Jaime Castillo PPG Online Treasure Cup 10th
Katakuri by Adrian Caspe PPG Online Treasure Cup 16th
Enel by Michael Curry Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 4th
Enel by Alex Pereda Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 10th
Enel by Luke Zhang North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 6th
Enel by Jordan Palmer North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 7th
Enel by Jean Coelho North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 11th
Katakuri by Robert Hudson North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 12th
Katakuri by Fernando Gomez North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 18th
Enel by Abraham Zuniga North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 23rd
Katakuri by Baron Sia North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 27th
Enel by Julian Shin North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 31st
Enel by Peili Lee North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 39th
Katakuri by Rami Newman North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 41st
Katakuri by Michael Prestininzi North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 42nd
Enel by Mark Martinez North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 53rd
Katakuri by Braden Ellis North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 58th
Katakuri by Brandon Babauta North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 63rd
Enel by Zhehua Jin North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 64th
Enel by Andrés Ramírez Fuentes Latin America Championship Finals, Santiago 2nd
Katakuri by Francisco De La Fuente Latin America Championship Finals, Santiago 3rd
Enel by Agustín Alvarado Cibrian Latin America Championship Finals, Santiago 4th
Katakuri by Sebastián Ignacio Ávila Aravena Latin America Championship Finals, Santiago 7th
Enel by Takumi Nagasako Oceania Championship Finals, Melbourne 11th
Katakuri by Angel Acevedo Latin America Championship Finals, Santiago 11th
Enel by Sebastián Chávez Latin America Championship Finals, Santiago 13th
Enel by Ryan Low Oceania Championship Finals, Melbourne 14th
Katakuri by Joaquin Domingual Latin America Championship Finals, Santiago 14th
Enel by Francisco Poza Latin America Championship Finals, Santiago 16th
Enel by Donat Abdullahu Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 11th
Katakuri by Mirko D'Abbruzzo Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 12th
Enel by Matheos K. Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 15th
Enel by Jimmy Benadda Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 16th
Enel by Tim Heidrich Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 19th
Katakuri by Fernando da Silva Rodriguez Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 20th
Enel by Duc Viet Dao Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 21st
Enel by Thomas Gamper Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 24th
Enel by Florian Farzad Nejad Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 33rd
Katakuri by Daniele Bollani Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 34th
Enel by Gianmarco Luongo Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 35th
Enel by Fernando Vazquez Brea Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 36th
Katakuri by Maurizio Gattullo Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 38th
Katakuri by Simone Marzorati Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 52nd
Enel by Leonardo Tellini Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 58th
Katakuri by Mario Petrosino Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 63rd
Enel by Deniz Plantikow Treasure Cup Hannover 4th
Katakuri by Dennis Weiß Treasure Cup Hannover 5th
Katakuri by Sebastian Reichl Treasure Cup Hannover 6th
Enel by Nico Hübner Treasure Cup Hannover 8th
Enel by Mehmet Kaya Treasure Cup Hannover 11th
Enel by Julian Nazarenus Treasure Cup Hannover 27th
Enel by David Pump Treasure Cup Hannover 28th
Katakuri by Aris Koc Treasure Cup Hannover 29th
Katakuri by Raphael Neven Treasure Cup Hannover 30th
Enel by Mathijs Giltjes Treasure Cup Hannover 31st
Enel by Justin Saenz Regional Los Angeles 1st
Enel by Jackie Moc Regional Los Angeles 2nd
Enel by Kelly Thatcher Regional Los Angeles 7th
Enel by Danny Lopez Regional Los Angeles 11th
Katakuri by Bryan Rojas Regional Los Angeles 16th
Katakuri by Fernando da Silva Rodriguez Treasure Cup Paris 7th
Katakuri by Samuele Santuari Treasure Cup Paris 11th
Katakuri by Ruben Masoliver Treasure Cup Paris 13th
Katakuri by David Lam Regional Adelaide 2nd
Katakuri by Kiet Phan Regional Adelaide 3rd
Katakuri by Zixuan Liu Regional Adelaide 4th
Katakuri by Dylan Dey Regional Adelaide 12th
Katakuri by Paul Raimundo Regional Adelaide 13th
Katakuri by Ben Tran Regional Adelaide 15th
Katakuri by James Wragg Regional Adelaide 16th
Katakuri by Derik Jose Ojeda Cervera Regional Cancún 7th
Katakuri by Abraham Rivera Cortez Regional Cancún 8th
Katakuri by Flavio Urbina Regional Cancún 9th
Katakuri by Rubén Benavides Regional Cancún 13th
Katakuri by Fernando da Silva Rodriguez Regional Barcelona 2nd
Katakuri by Jose Oskar Flores Cuevas LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Katakuri by Angel Acevedo LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 6th
Katakuri by Nahuel Moya LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 7th
Katakuri by Fernando Amaya LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 15th
Katakuri by Robert Hudson Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Katakuri by Michael Curry Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 9th
Katakuri by Connor McGrady Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 18th
Katakuri by Gary Lee Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 19th
Katakuri by Avinash Kumar Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 25th
Katakuri by Ian Braunfeld Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 31st
Katakuri by Adrian Dursun Regional Liverpool 11th
Katakuri by Chopelletto Regional Liverpool 21st
Katakuri by Zac Rushton Regional Liverpool 28th
Katakuri by Joe McGee Regional Liverpool 29th
Katakuri by Xperimen Regional Liverpool 30th
Katakuri by Killian Hotz Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 6th
Katakuri by Jonathan Chao Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 7th
Katakuri by Haijie Ren Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 10th
Katakuri by Colin Wong Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 12th
Katakuri by Brian Seo Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 14th
Katakuri by Alfonso Zuniga Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 16th
Katakuri by Justin Saenz Regional Pasadena, CA 1st
Katakuri by Shane Helton Regional Pasadena, CA 13th
Katakuri by Jonathan Salazar Regional Pasadena, CA 17th
Katakuri by Tam Le Regional Pasadena, CA 24th
Katakuri by Paul Francis Regional Pasadena, CA 28th
Katakuri by Leonardo Vazquez Regional Pasadena, CA 29th
Katakuri by Kura Rogers Regional Pasadena, CA 31st
Katakuri by Nicholas Santanello Top Cut Events Online Treasure Cup 5th
Katakuri by Brandon Morovan Top Cut Events Online Treasure Cup 9th
Katakuri by Chance Thompson Top Cut Events Online Treasure Cup 14th
Katakuri by Michael Olive Regional Brisbane 4th
Katakuri by Ryan Farquharson Regional Brisbane 10th
Katakuri by James Nicol Regional Brisbane 12th
Katakuri by Nicholas Heilbronn Regional Brisbane 13th
Katakuri by Colin Scholes Regional Brisbane 14th
Katakuri by Daniel Zhu Regional Brisbane 16th
Katakuri by Michael Curry PPG Online Treasure Cup 5th
Katakuri by Richard Calarco PPG Online Treasure Cup 6th
Katakuri by Jason Hartman PPG Online Treasure Cup 11th
Katakuri by Michael Pagano Regional Lyon 5th
Yamato by Emanuele Vinci Regional Lyon 14th
Yamato by Pedro Estrada Regional Fort Worth, TX 11th
Katakuri by Aaron Gonzalez Regional Fort Worth, TX 15th
Katakuri by Hugo Gálvez Regional Santiago 6th
Katakuri by Abraham Rivera Cortez Regional Mexico City 8th
Katakuri by José Alberto Carmona Quiñones Regional Mexico City 10th
Katakuri by Jaime Alejandro Castañeda Sanchez Regional Mexico City 14th
Katakuri by Ángel de Jesús García Tenorio Regional Mexico City 15th
Katakuri by Jaafar Serhan Janbey Regional Mexico City 16th
Katakuri by Jacob Welch Regional Peoria, IL 4th
Katakuri by Dawson Neuner Regional Peoria, IL 12th
Katakuri by Saiying Lau Regional Utrecht 6th
Katakuri by Dan Thanh TAK Games Online Regional 5th
Katakuri by Finn Higgins TAK Games Online Regional 6th
Katakuri by Nicholas Koh TAK Games Online Regional 10th
Katakuri by Daniel Segovia Core TCG Online Regional 5th
Katakuri by Michael Abajian Core TCG Online Regional 11th
Katakuri by Christian Ybarra Top Cut Events Online Regional 21st
Katakuri by Michael Tham Top Cut Events Online Regional 31st
Katakuri by Michael Curry Carta Magica Online Regional 4th
Katakuri by Sean Kozin PPG Online Regional 2nd
Katakuri by Michael Curry PPG Online Regional 7th
Katakuri by Mirsad Avdic NoHEROES Online Regional 8th
Katakuri by Michael Pagano NoHEROES Online Regional 19th
Katakuri by Jim Donkel NoHEROES Online Regional 25th
Katakuri by Daniel Ravn NoHEROES Online Regional 29th
Katakuri by Dennis Miranda Regional Niagara Falls, ON 3rd
Katakuri by Rubén Benavides LATAM TCG Online Regional 2nd
Katakuri by Francisco Cedeño LATAM TCG Online Regional 5th
Katakuri by Nicholas Kontominas Regional Melbourne 5th
Katakuri by Zixuan Liu Regional Melbourne 6th
Katakuri by David Lam Regional Melbourne 14th
Katakuri by Angelo Carlier Regional Santiago 3rd
Katakuri by Sebastian Gonzalez Regional Santiago 6th
Katakuri by Neel Espinosa Alfaro Regional Santiago 9th
Katakuri by Francisco Cedeño Regional Santiago 10th
Katakuri by Matías Catalán Regional Santiago 11th
Katakuri by Yonas Abraham Regional Knoxville, TN 5th
Katakuri by Rowe Hall Regional Knoxville, TN 10th
Katakuri by Austin Butterworth Regional Knoxville, TN 32nd
Katakuri by Donat Abdullahu Regional Bielefeld 31st
Katakuri by Oscar Lorenzo de la Fuente Regional Alicante 11th
Yamato by Aitor Naharros Regional Alicante 12th
Katakuri by Michael Pagano Regional Alicante 15th
Katakuri by Tyler Chaplin Regional Orlando, FL 4th
Katakuri by Grant Neugin Regional Tulsa, OK 16th
Katakuri by Paul Papadopoulos Regional Sydney 13th
Big Mom by Terence Leong TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 7th
Yamato by Ryan Isaac Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 12th
Katakuri by Andrés Ramírez Marroco LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 1st
Katakuri by Sebastian Cortes LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 14th
Yamato by Niklas Richter Regional Den Haag 6th
Katakuri by Rubén Benavides Regional Mexico City 7th
Katakuri by Carlos A. Castro Regional Mexico City 8th
Katakuri by José Alberto Carmona Quiñones Regional Mexico City 11th
Katakuri by Juan Manuel Centeno Regional Mexico City 12th
Katakuri by Sean Kozin Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 32nd
Katakuri by Tamás Biro Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 3rd
Katakuri by Donat Abdullahu Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 8th
Katakuri by Austin Cheng Core TCG Online Regional 5th
Katakuri by John Nguyen Core TCG Online Regional 6th
Big Mom by Tamás Biro Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 3rd
Katakuri by Raphaël P. Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 9th
Big Mom by Antonio Carelli Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 14th
Big Mom by Daniel Brandman PPG Online Regional 4th
Katakuri by Michael Tham PPG Online Regional 22nd
Katakuri by Danilo S. Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 14th
Katakuri by Yadal Castillo LATAM TCG Online Regional 5th
Katakuri by Anthony Delmas Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Katakuri by David Mujaddidi Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 13th
Big Mom by Lucas Rioux Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 16th
Katakuri by Isaac Castillo Play!TCG Online Regional 7th
Katakuri by Francisco José Díaz Giménez Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 8th
Katakuri by David Lam TAK Games Online Regional 4th
Katakuri by Jonathan Maurer TAK Games Online Regional 8th
Katakuri by Briane Rivera TAK Games Online Regional 13th
Katakuri by Kiet Huynh TAK Games Online Regional 14th
Katakuri by Nicholas Koh TAK Games Online Regional 15th
Katakuri by Gianluca Vincenzi Regional Bologna 6th
Katakuri by Tommaso Baldani Regional Bologna 13th
Katakuri by Carlo Fontana Regional Bologna 15th
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