Latest Updates: NALATAMOCEB02
OPE Online Regional
15th June 2024 • 963 Players • OP06
This tournament was hosted through the Limitless Tournament Platform, which means you can find pairings, further standings, and more detailed statistics on the tournament page there.
# Player Deck List
1 Rayngoku Black/Yellow Luffy
2 Jeremy Green/Yellow Yamato
3 András Kovács Black Moria
4 Wortaxx Green/Yellow Yamato
5 iJoeyyy Yellow Enel
6 Alfredo Valenti Blue/Black Sakazuki
7 Michibye Blue/Black Sakazuki
8 Olizarre Yellow Enel
9 Uni Blue/Black Sakazuki
10 André Leal Green Uta
11 Matteo Reinaudi Black Moria
12 Primož Pesjak Green/Yellow Yamato
13 AntonioP99 Blue/Black Sakazuki
14 Nick90 Green/Black Perona
15 Quentin Neufeglise Black/Yellow Luffy
16 Benjen Green/Yellow Yamato
17 Mentzer Red/Purple Law
18 FotuRAN Black Moria
19 Andres Sempere Rico Black Moria
20 mrlpla Red/Purple Law
21 danistor Yellow Katakuri
22 Water7 Black Moria
23 Zook Yellow Katakuri
24 bill Black Moria
25 Lorenzo Massantini Red/Purple Luffy
26 Zer En Peng Black/Yellow Luffy
27 Blud Black Moria
28 Matteo Rimondini Black Moria
29 Pierre Breuil Red Whitebeard
30 raionkai Red/Purple Law
31 Jonathan David Blue/Black Sakazuki
32 Hincursio Black/Yellow Luffy