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ST13-005 • Ultra Deck: The Three Brothers

Decklists With This Card

Deck Tournament Place
Luffy by Michael Emeofa One Piece Day Dallas Sunday Pod A 1st
Luffy by Fabian Godglück One Piece Day Dallas Sunday Pod C 1st
Luffy by Michael Tham One Piece Day Dallas Sunday Pod B 7th
Luffy by Jon One Piece Day Dallas Sunday Pod B 15th
Luffy by MikaPika One Piece Day Dallas Sunday Pod A 16th
Luffy by Gary H. One Piece Day Dallas Saturday Pod A 4th
Luffy by ArthurShiiii One Piece Day Dallas Saturday Pod C 16th
Luffy by Picantejosey Top Cut Events Online Treasure Cup 1st
Luffy by Vandiil Top Cut Events Online Treasure Cup 8th
Luffy by Gerardo Lopez Top Cut Events Online Treasure Cup 21st
Luffy by Heyzeuz Top Cut Events Online Treasure Cup 22nd
Luffy by Sam Martinez Versus Games Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Luffy by Jairo Junior Treasure Cup São Paulo 2nd
Luffy by Gustavo Wada Treasure Cup São Paulo 7th
Luffy by Angelo Truscello noHEROES Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Luffy by Sam Martinez 401 Games Online Treasure Cup 13th
Luffy by Michael Emeofa 401 Games Online Treasure Cup 14th
Luffy by Sam Martinez Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 18th
Luffy by Phillip Vu Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 27th
Luffy by Pere Arbós Parets OPE Online Treasure Cup 7th
Luffy by Angelo Truscello OPE Online Treasure Cup 17th
Luffy by Raymond Championship Finals Melbourne 6th
Luffy by MrChewey Championship Finals Melbourne 14th
Luffy by Bma Championship Finals Melbourne 22nd
Luffy by Andy Acosta Championship Finals Mexico City 7th
Luffy by Deep Patel Championship Finals Mexico City 10th
Luffy by João Gabriel Penteado Championship Finals Mexico City 16th
Luffy by Jackson Hoang Championship Finals Mexico City 33rd
Luffy by Gustavo Wada Championship Finals Mexico City 40th
Luffy by Eduardo Monteon Championship Finals Mexico City 43rd
Luffy by Michael Emeofa Championship Finals Orlando, FL 1st
Luffy by Goblin Championship Finals Orlando, FL 14th
Luffy by Zhao Tee Treasure Cup Melbourne 14th
Luffy by Victor Pham Championship Finals Utrecht 6th
Luffy by Duuoght Championship Finals Utrecht 66th
Luffy by Djabundance Championship Finals Utrecht 100th
Luffy by Pere Arbós Parets Championship Finals Utrecht 102nd
Luffy by Daniel the destroyer Regional Dallas, TX 7th
Luffy by Shiharu Regional Dallas, TX 11th
Luffy by GumGumAlan Regional Dallas, TX 27th
Luffy by Han Tao Chang Regional Melbourne 4th
Luffy by Zhao Tee Regional Melbourne 13th
Luffy by Matias Jahassiel Benitez Mendoza Regional Mexico City 2nd
Luffy by Jorge Isaí Castro Pacheco Regional Mexico City 13th
Luffy by Pere Arbós Parets noHEROES Online Treasure Cup 8th
Luffy by Max Pei TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 3rd
Luffy by Jimmy Shie TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 10th
Luffy by Dion Tran TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 13th
Luffy by Alexis Romero Soto Treasure Cup Cancún 6th
Luffy by Jorge Isaí Castro Pacheco Treasure Cup Cancún 12th
Luffy by Emmanuel Jacobs Treasure Cup Cancún 14th
Luffy by Gonzalo Gutierrez Balderas Treasure Cup Cancún 15th
Luffy by Pau Aracil Boigues OPE Online Treasure Cup 4th
Luffy by Decclesia OPE Online Treasure Cup 8th
Luffy by HektorTcg Regional Utrecht 10th
Luffy by Jorden Hamilton Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 11th
Luffy by Fabien Cheng Regional Adelaide 5th
Luffy by Henry Lai Regional Adelaide 7th
Luffy by Hubert Tanaya Regional Adelaide 8th
Luffy by Elliot Charters Regional Adelaide 15th
Luffy by Michael Emeofa Regional San Diego, CA 7th
Luffy by Jcobs Regional San Diego, CA 26th
Luffy by Victor Pham Regional San Diego, CA 31st
Luffy by Yong Kang Regional Madison, WI 4th
Luffy by Pedro Cabrera Carta Magica Online Regional 4th
Luffy by Treeborne Top Cut Events Online Regional 29th
Luffy by Zer En Peng noHEROES Online Regional 26th
Luffy by Junior Puente Regional Fort Worth, TX 10th
Luffy by Hixroy Scott Regional Fort Worth, TX 11th
Luffy by Israel Hernandez Regional Fort Worth, TX 16th
Luffy by Marcelo Ramirez LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 1st
Luffy by Luiz Guilherme Toledo LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Luffy by Edgar Maldonado LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 5th
Luffy by Skye Lim Regional Sydney 5th
Luffy by Giacomo Einaudi OPE Online Treasure Cup 6th
Luffy by Kristian Čurla OPE Online Treasure Cup 11th
Luffy by András Kovács OPE Online Treasure Cup 31st
Luffy by Giacomo Einaudi noHEROES Online Treasure Cup 5th
Luffy by Justin Yi Regional Peoria, IL 19th
Luffy by Zhao Tee Regional Perth 2nd
Luffy by Jiawei Tai Regional Perth 9th
Luffy by Vincent Regional Pasadena, CA 2nd
Luffy by shinobi Regional Pasadena, CA 4th
Luffy by Hixroy Scott Regional Pasadena, CA 9th
Luffy by Falsifies Regional Pasadena, CA 25th
Luffy by Joshua Gutierrez Regional Pasadena, CA 26th
Luffy by Zhao Tee TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 3rd
Luffy by Henry Lai TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 4th
Luffy by Michael Verhoeven Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 14th
Luffy by Diego Gomez-Atienza Regional Mexico City 4th
Luffy by Christopher Schell Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 3rd
Luffy by TheEgman Treasure Cup Indianapolis at Gen Con 4th
Luffy by The Nine-Toed Fox Treasure Cup Indianapolis at Gen Con 11th
Luffy by Will Treasure Cup Indianapolis at Gen Con 13th
Luffy by Alessio Tanzi Regional Milan 15th
Luffy by Marko Koprčina Regional Milan 17th
Luffy by Roberto Rondino Regional Milan 18th
Luffy by Stephen Iskandar TAK Games Online Regional 7th
Luffy by Victor Pham Regional Mesquite, TX 34th
Luffy by Ace Regional Mesquite, TX 47th
Luffy by Rayngoku OPE Online Regional 1st
Luffy by Eric Quintana Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 10th
Luffy by Giovanni Scollo LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Luffy by Eric Quintana Regional Oviedo, FL 13th
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