Latest Updates: OP08OPEMülheim

Ms. Wednesday EB01-034

CharacterPurple • 3 Cost

4000 Power • Slash • +1000 Counter

[Blocker] (After your opponent declares an attack, you may rest this card to make it the new target of the attack.)
[On Your Opponent's Attack] [Once Per Turn] DON!! −1 (You may return the specified number of DON!! cards from your field to your DON!! deck.): If your Leader's type includes "Baroque Works", add up to 1 DON!! card from your DON!! deck and set it as active.
Baroque Works
Illustrated by Bashikou
Tournament Status
Language English Japanese

Latest Decks With This Card

Deck Tournament Place
Crocodile by Joel Wedge Regional Los Angeles, CA 29th


Leader Count
CrocodileOP04-058 1

Price History