Latest Updates: OP09Liverpool Finals


OP03-057 • Pillars of Strength

Decklists With This Card

Deck Tournament Place
Nami by Peter Dance Championship Finals Liverpool 30th
Sakazuki by Borinquen Rodriguez Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Sakazuki by Joel Suryadi TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 10th
Sakazuki by Jasper Zowiesyah Oceania Championship Finals, Melbourne 4th
Sakazuki by Tolga Kiyak Treasure Cup Hannover 7th
Sakazuki by Joseph Yeh Regional Los Angeles 6th
Queen by Bernardo Esteban Arias Richaud Regional Cancún 4th
Crocodile by gadgame Regional Barcelona 15th
Queen by Néstor Iván Rivera Espinosa LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 14th
Queen by Michael Silenski Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 1st
Crocodile by Cesar Padilla Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 10th
Rebecca by David Rodriguez Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 12th
Rebecca by Chris Sok Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 23rd
Crocodile by Athavan Thevadasan Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 27th
Crocodile by Ryan Tisbe Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 32nd
Queen by Jordan Moore Regional Liverpool 10th
Crocodile by Markdd27 Regional Liverpool 31st
Crocodile by Nathan Fong Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 4th
Doflamingo by Brian Hinojosa Regional Pasadena, CA 19th
Crocodile by Shawn Ngoh Regional Pasadena, CA 23rd
Ivankov by Adrian Mui Regional Pasadena, CA 32nd
Crocodile by Zachary Viel Top Cut Events Online Treasure Cup 6th
Crocodile by Elliot Charters Regional Brisbane 3rd
Crocodile by Joey Ross PPG Online Treasure Cup 7th
Rebecca by Giacomo Einaudi Regional Lyon 2nd
Queen by Armando Baci Regional Lyon 6th
Queen by Florent Constantinesco Regional Lyon 16th
Doflamingo by Jace Babin Regional Fort Worth, TX 9th
Queen by Bernardo Esteban Arias Richaud Regional Mexico City 11th
Doflamingo by Joseph Angelo Bote Regional Peoria, IL 15th
Queen by bananoix Regional Utrecht 11th
Rebecca by Joseph Sclauzero TAK Games Online Regional 1st
Rebecca by Daniel Adams TAK Games Online Regional 11th
Queen by Quan Le Top Cut Events Online Regional 8th
Queen by Stephane Lin Top Cut Events Online Regional 13th
Queen by Geoffrey Sauk Top Cut Events Online Regional 20th
Crocodile by Brian Stevenson Top Cut Events Online Regional 30th
Rebecca by Albert Mason Top Cut Events Online Regional 32nd
Queen by Chun H. K. Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 13th
Queen by Holden Miller Carta Magica Online Regional 2nd
Rebecca by Nicholas Pao Carta Magica Online Regional 15th
Crocodile by Phuoc Dinh PPG Online Regional 3rd
Queen by Brian Liang PPG Online Regional 9th
Rebecca by Carlo Fontana NoHEROES Online Regional 10th
Queen by David Ríos NoHEROES Online Regional 15th
Rebecca by Jeffrey Leung Regional Niagara Falls, ON 7th
Doflamingo by Brandon To Regional Niagara Falls, ON 15th
Crocodile by Sam Li Regional Niagara Falls, ON 16th
Queen by Holden Miller Play!TCG Online Regional 1st
Crocodile by Frederick Wirth Play!TCG Online Regional 2nd
Rebecca by Jonathan Lorenzo Play!TCG Online Regional 14th
Crocodile by Jan Hoffacker OPE Online Regional 10th
Rebecca by Mitchell Wood Regional Melbourne 9th
Rebecca by Jake Wilson Regional Melbourne 15th
Crocodile by Oscar Carrasco Regional Santiago 4th
Crocodile by Greyson Shartzer Regional Knoxville, TN 7th
Crocodile by Michael Prestininzi Regional Knoxville, TN 14th
Queen by Chris Kral Regional Knoxville, TN 16th
Rebecca by Nicholas Pao Regional Knoxville, TN 17th
Crocodile by Daniel Turgeon Regional Knoxville, TN 20th
Rebecca by Alan Wyzlic Regional Knoxville, TN 24th
Rebecca by Nolan Allen Regional Knoxville, TN 28th
Doflamingo by Davide Ferrari Regional Milan 2nd
Doflamingo by Mehmet Kir Regional Bielefeld 3rd
Doflamingo by Ryan Roubinet Regional Bielefeld 19th
Doflamingo by Enver Temiz Regional Bielefeld 32nd
Crocodile by TJ Lee Regional Auckland 8th
Crocodile by Sam Bradbury TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 15th
Doflamingo by Jason Tran Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 15th
Doflamingo by Erick Vazquez Gen Con Online Regional 9th
Doflamingo by Joe Graziano Gen Con Online Regional 12th
Nami by David B. Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 15th
Crocodile by Athavan Thevadasan Treasure Cup Indianapolis at Gen Con 5th
Doflamingo by Juan Alvarado Regional Indianapolis at Gen Con 1st
Doflamingo by Marco Antonio Barrientos Regional Indianapolis at Gen Con 11th
Doflamingo by Ritchie Paek Core TCG Online Regional 11th
Doflamingo by Jackie Moc Core TCG Online Regional 17th
Doflamingo by Warren Younger Core TCG Online Regional 21st
Doflamingo by David K. Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 10th
Doflamingo by Dakota Angeloff PPG Online Regional 7th
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