Latest Updates: OP09Liverpool Finals
Championship Finals Liverpool GB
7th September 2024 • 969 Players • OP07
This tournament was hosted through the Limitless Tournament Platform, which means you can find pairings, further standings, and more detailed statistics on the tournament page there.
# Player Deck List
1 Benjamin Gayraud Black/Yellow Luffy
2 Juraj Vranic Black Lucci
3 Sammy Wang Black Lucci
4 Maximilian Lorenz Black Lucci
5 Mikołaj Sinacki Blue Nami
6 Nicky Goldman Black Lucci
7 Vittorio Palumbo Blue/Purple Reiju
8 Dirk Triebe Green Bonney
9 Deniz Plantikow Green Bonney
10 Black Luffy
11 Marko Koprčina Black/Yellow Luffy
12 Carmine Milone Black Luffy
13 Gianluca Grillo Black Luffy
14 Joel Boeckmann Yellow Katakuri
15 Hanno Hügelschäfer Black Lucci
16 Chris Pak Black Lucci
17 Kyle Vo Black Lucci
18 Leonardo Cappella Blue Nami
19 Leonardo Souza Blue Nami
20 Jacopo Fiorelli Black Lucci
21 Raymond Su Green Bonney
22 Athanasios Gogakis Yellow Katakuri
23 Dan Oviedo Alarcon Blue Doflamingo
24 Matthew Pellington Yellow Enel
25 Andres Sempere Rico Green Bonney
26 Manuel Nesi Black/Yellow Luffy
27 Luca Boselli Black Moria
28 Raphael Neven Blue/Purple Reiju
29 Gianluca Noviello Black Luffy
30 Peter Dance Blue Nami
31 Giovanni Salvatore Oliva Black Luffy
32 Edoardo Valenti Black/Yellow Luffy