Latest Updates: OP09Liverpool Finals


P-015 • FILM RED Promotion Card Set

Decklists With This Card

Deck Tournament Place
Zoro by Yuan Rui Tan Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 13th
Zoro by Jimmy Le Carta Magica Online Regional 19th
Zoro by Luca Irano NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 12th
Zoro by Walter Medina LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 8th
Zoro by Nicholas Pao Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 3rd
Zoro by Nicholas Pao North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 14th
Zoro by Sebastian Derichs Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 43rd
Zoro by Bastian Franke Treasure Cup Hannover 13th
Zoro by Jimmy Shie TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 4th
Zoro by Thomas Champeroux Regional Lyon 8th
Zoro by Esteban Miranda Regional Santiago 13th
Zoro by Richard Yam Top Cut Events Online Regional 5th
Zoro by Alexander Bossio Regional Niagara Falls, ON 10th
Zoro by Peter Chung Regional Niagara Falls, ON 14th
Zoro by Richard Yam Play!TCG Online Regional 4th
Zoro by Bogdan Paulis OPE Online Regional 11th
Law by Julius Schürhoff Regional Bielefeld 9th
Law by Rafaelo Sarmiento Regional Bielefeld 22nd
Law by Nicky Goldman Regional Pasadena, CA 4th
Law by William Montes Regional Pasadena, CA 10th
Law by Pau Aracil Boigues Regional Alicante 4th
Law by Nicky Goldman Regional Orlando, FL 2nd
Zoro by Richard Yam Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 1st
Zoro by Jorge Recabal LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 8th
Law by David Ponces Regional Den Haag 3rd
Law by Nick K. Regional Den Haag 14th
Zoro by Richard Yam Gen Con Online Treasure Cup 8th
Zoro by Jackson Baum Gen Con Online Treasure Cup 15th
Law by Nicky Goldman Treasure Cup Indianapolis at Gen Con 2nd
Zoro by Alexander Bossio Treasure Cup Indianapolis at Gen Con 6th
Zoro by Aidan Quach Treasure Cup Indianapolis at Gen Con 11th
Zoro by Deep Patel Core TCG Online Regional 10th
Zoro by Joseph Kiengkham Core TCG Online Regional 14th
Zoro by Kevin Le Core TCG Online Regional 22nd
Zoro by Alexander Bossio Core TCG Online Regional 32nd
Law by Nick K. Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 12th
Zoro by Jackson Baum PPG Online Regional 5th
Law by Austin Luu PPG Online Regional 25th
Zoro by Konstantinos S. Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 12th
Law by Nuno Cordeiro Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 10th
Zoro by Deep Patel Play!TCG Online Regional 1st
Zoro by Richard Yam Play!TCG Online Regional 4th
Law by Shannon Cole TAK Games Online Regional 1st
Zoro by Kristian Čurla Treasure Cup Barcelona 2nd
Zoro by Yanis G. Treasure Cup Barcelona 4th
Zoro by sedagame Treasure Cup Barcelona 12th
Zoro by Rahul Reddy Regional Columbus, OH 6th
Zoro by Justin Hendershot Regional Columbus, OH 7th
Zoro by Austin Yost Regional Columbus, OH 9th
Zoro by Mohammad Jawdat Fattah Regional Columbus, OH 15th
Zoro by Jimmy Sunshine Regional Peoria, IL 2nd
Zoro by Nicholas Barnes Regional Peoria, IL 12th
Zoro by Haruyuki Tachibana Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Zoro by Jackson Hoang Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 6th
Zoro by Roy Choi Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 9th
Zoro by Andrew Benavidez Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 11th
Zoro by Stamati Filacouris Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 14th
Zoro by Richard Yam Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 16th
Whitebeard by Rémi Tallier Regional Birmingham at UKGE 9th
Zoro by Jean Mayol Regional Birmingham at UKGE 15th
Zoro by Nicholas Barnes Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 12th
Zoro by Sandro Kišur Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 6th
Zoro by Richard Yam Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Zoro by Jackson Hoang Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 7th
Zoro by Michael Tham Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 9th
Zoro by William Bracamonte Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 10th
Zoro by Max Caudill Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 12th
Law by Kunal Agrawal Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 14th
Zoro by Qar Sheng Yap TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 4th
Zoro by Jason Larry TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 11th
Zoro by Jasper Zowiesyah TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 14th
Zoro by Sebastián Ignacio Ávila Aravena LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Zoro by Hugo Chena LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 10th
Zoro by Yuta Suzuki LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 12th
Zoro by Luis Uribe LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 15th
Zoro by Nicolò Castellani Regional Mülheim an der Ruhr 8th
Zoro by Sandro Kišur Regional Mülheim an der Ruhr 9th
Zoro by Clément Tassa Regional Mülheim an der Ruhr 13th
Zoro by Christian Weißling Regional Mülheim an der Ruhr 19th
Zoro by Remy Guilluy Regional Mülheim an der Ruhr 24th
Whitebeard by Julien Breuil Regional Mülheim an der Ruhr 25th
Zoro by Peter Strauch Regional Mülheim an der Ruhr 30th
Zoro by Lucas Kiefel Regional Mülheim an der Ruhr 31st
Zoro by Kevin Zhao Regional Arlington, TX 2nd
Zoro by Nikolas Chaker Regional Arlington, TX 14th
Zoro by Koltton Larson Regional Arlington, TX 22nd
Zoro by Lance Evans Regional Arlington, TX 31st
Zoro by Andrew Nguyen PPG Online Treasure Cup 7th
Zoro by Aidan Quach PPG Online Treasure Cup 12th
Zoro by Eduardo Lillo PPG Online Treasure Cup 13th
Zoro by Richard Yam PPG Online Treasure Cup 15th
Zoro by Michael Kohn PPG Online Treasure Cup 16th
Zoro by Gabriele Cesarano Regional Milan 4th
Zoro by Martino Casazza Regional Milan 9th
Zoro by Roy Choi Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 4th
Zoro by Lloyd Calupig Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 14th
Zoro by Trevor Nemcovic Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 16th
Zoro by Jonathan Maurer Regional Brisbane 3rd
Zoro by Han Yong Tee Regional Brisbane 5th
Zoro by Andrew Crisp Regional Brisbane 7th
Zoro by David Huang Regional Brisbane 9th
Zoro by Jason Larry Regional Brisbane 11th
Zoro by Algene Cruz Regional Brisbane 12th
Zoro by Nathan Gotlib Regional Toulouse 1st
Zoro by Christos Anestakis Regional Toulouse 5th
Zoro by Benjamin Lersmacher Regional Toulouse 11th
Zoro by Jasper Zowiesyah Regional Melbourne 2nd
Zoro by Ben Tran Regional Melbourne 3rd
Zoro by Jimmy Shie Regional Melbourne 5th
Zoro by Kevin Nayda Regional Melbourne 12th
Zoro by Troy Hendy Regional Melbourne 16th
Zoro by Joe Fetting Regional Peoria, IL 7th
Zoro by Naasir Jusab Regional Montreal, QC 1st
Zoro by Anthony Micallef Regional Montreal, QC 2nd
Zoro by Richard Yam Regional Montreal, QC 6th
Zoro by Raymond Chow Regional Montreal, QC 7th
Zoro by Richard Ng Regional Montreal, QC 8th
Law by Kyle Brennan Regional Montreal, QC 12th
Zoro by Gilberto Figueroa Rueda Regional Mexico City 9th
Zoro by Manuel Roberto Pensado Ramírez Regional Mexico City 13th
Zoro by José Emmanuel Aguilar Moreno Regional Mexico City 14th
Zoro by Chris Samson Top Cut Events Online Regional 9th
Zoro by Michael Chestney Top Cut Events Online Regional 14th
Zoro by Justin Tang Top Cut Events Online Regional 4th
Zoro by Nickolas Tsagatakis Top Cut Events Online Regional 9th
Zoro by Johnny Le Top Cut Events Online Regional 13th
Zoro by Roy Choi Top Cut Events Online Regional 15th
Zoro by Nicholas Coccaro PPG Online Regional 7th
Zoro by Richard Yam PPG Online Regional 8th
Zoro by Sergio Sanchez PPG Online Regional 9th
Zoro by Shane Early PPG Online Regional 13th
Zoro by Aleix R. Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 2nd
Zoro by Manel Sala Sendra Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 11th
Zoro by Raveen P. Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 12th
Zoro by Keno M. Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 14th
Zoro by George K. Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 15th
Zoro by Joel Suryadi TAK Games Online Regional 4th
Zoro by Shannon Cole TAK Games Online Regional 5th
Zoro by Joshua Allcock TAK Games Online Regional 7th
Zoro by Bill Jia TAK Games Online Regional 10th
Zoro by Tim Chan TAK Games Online Regional 13th
Zoro by Antony Wei TAK Games Online Regional 15th
Zoro by Justin Hendershot Carta Magica Online Regional 1st
Zoro by Enricomaria Rustico Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 2nd
Zoro by Jonny Turner Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 7th
Zoro by Denny A. Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 11th
Zoro by Sjoerd K. Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 16th
Zoro by Joshua Towers Treasure Cup Long Beach, CA 6th
Law by Thomas Nguyen Treasure Cup Long Beach, CA 11th
Zoro by Jeffrey Leung Treasure Cup Niagara Falls, ON 4th
Zoro by Brian Batista Treasure Cup Niagara Falls, ON 8th
Zoro by Suksharn Bassi Treasure Cup Niagara Falls, ON 10th
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