Latest Updates: NALATAMOCEB02
Regional Birmingham at UKGE GB
3rd June 2023 • 299 Players • OP02
This tournament was hosted through the Limitless Tournament Platform, which means you can find pairings, further standings, and more detailed statistics on the tournament page there.
# Player Deck List
1 Arman Haji-Ghassemi Red/Green Law
2 Pierre Breuil Green Kin'emon
3 Davor Lipovec Black Smoker
4 Jared Tsirides Red Whitebeard
5 Jinbei Black Smoker
6 Josep Jorda Red/Green Law
7 Joseph Mawdsley Red/Green Law
8 anestakis Red Whitebeard
9 Rémi Tallier Red Whitebeard
10 Panthakan Boonsuriyatham Red/Green Law
11 Pedro Garcia Red/Green Law
12 Adam B. Red Luffy
13 Francesco Rega Blue Doflamingo
14 George Burrow Red Whitebeard
15 Jean Mayol Red Zoro
16 Matt G. Blue Doflamingo