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Thousand Sunny

ST14-017 • 3D2Y

Decklists With This Card

Deck Tournament Place
Luffy by Fantome Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 27th
Luffy by Trident565 Championship Finals Utrecht 16th
Luffy by Andrea Zanotti Championship Finals Utrecht 32nd
Luffy by Ámbar Rosas Herrera Regional Mexico City 16th
Luffy by David Melendo Villena OPE Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Luffy by Luigi Amato Championship Finals Liverpool 10th
Luffy by Carmine Milone Championship Finals Liverpool 12th
Luffy by Gianluca Grillo Championship Finals Liverpool 13th
Luffy by Gianluca Noviello Championship Finals Liverpool 29th
Luffy by Giovanni Salvatore Oliva Championship Finals Liverpool 31st
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