Latest Updates: OP09Liverpool Finals


OP06-016 • Wings of the Captain

Decklists With This Card

Deck Tournament Place
Law by Matias Castro Regional Santiago 5th
Law by Francisco Cedeño Regional Santiago 8th
Law by Timofei Rogov Regional Fort Worth, TX 3rd
Law by Juan Sebastián Donnini LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 4th
Law by Efren Santiago Matos Gaibor LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 11th
Law by Dante Saporito LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 15th
Law by Francisco Cedeño Regional São Paulo 20th
Law by Hubert Tanaya Regional Sydney 1st
Law by Han Tao Chang Regional Sydney 3rd
Law by Zihao Wang Regional Sydney 6th
Law by Zixuan Liu Regional Sydney 9th
Law by Kam Ho Lau Regional Sydney 11th
Law by Guanzhong Wang Regional Sydney 14th
Law by On1TCG OPE Online Treasure Cup 5th
Law by Pierre Breuil OPE Online Treasure Cup 12th
Law by Vincaru OPE Online Treasure Cup 21st
Law by loremassa OPE Online Treasure Cup 23rd
Law by Julius Schürhoff OPE Online Treasure Cup 27th
Law by Hypu OPE Online Treasure Cup 28th
Law by Deniz Plantikow OPE Online Treasure Cup 30th
Law by Ismael Martínez OPE Online Treasure Cup 32nd
Law by Žan Kralj noHEROES Online Treasure Cup 1st
Law by Tin Duy Nguyen noHEROES Online Treasure Cup 8th
Law by Thomas Costreie noHEROES Online Treasure Cup 10th
Law by Riccardo Patrussi noHEROES Online Treasure Cup 12th
Law by Dennis Kuprijanov noHEROES Online Treasure Cup 19th
Law by Benjamin Gayraud noHEROES Online Treasure Cup 25th
Law by Minh Vi noHEROES Online Treasure Cup 28th
Law by Christophe Fraysse noHEROES Online Treasure Cup 30th
Law by Yonas Abraham Regional Peoria, IL 3rd
Law by Kevin Zhao Regional Peoria, IL 5th
Law by Joshua Graham Regional Peoria, IL 6th
Law by Hassan Mohaideen Regional Peoria, IL 8th
Law by Nickolas Diaz Regional Peoria, IL 10th
Law by Anthony Micallef Regional Peoria, IL 11th
Law by Daryl Ayers Regional Peoria, IL 18th
Law by James Neumann Regional Peoria, IL 20th
Law by Patrick Wei Regional Peoria, IL 24th
Law by Andrew Gonzalez Regional Peoria, IL 26th
Law by Henry Pham Regional Peoria, IL 28th
Law by Peter Buddensiek Regional Peoria, IL 29th
Law by Koty Angeloff Regional Peoria, IL 32nd
Law by Kam Ho Lau Regional Perth 7th
Law by Kenneth Chiew Regional Perth 12th
Law by Choyang Yu Regional Perth 14th
Law by Han Tao Chang Regional Perth 16th
Law by Juan Piece TCG Regional Pasadena, CA 11th
Law by meercat Regional Pasadena, CA 12th
Law by Erik Regional Pasadena, CA 23rd
Law by Kingle23 Regional Pasadena, CA 28th
Law by Jake Penta TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 10th
Law by Quinn Downes TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 13th
Law by Justin Nguyen TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 15th
Law by Li Glosson Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 4th
Law by Chris Sok Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 5th
Law by Alan Gee Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 11th
Law by Luis David Angelino LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 1st
Law by Guillermo Guimaraes LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 13th
Law by Daniela Guzmán González LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 16th
Law by Julius Schürhoff Regional Hannover 5th
Law by Jan Birkemeyer Regional Hannover 9th
Law by Fabian Godglück Regional Hannover 10th
Law by Cuong Tran Regional Hannover 14th
Law by Alfredo Valenti Regional Hannover 15th
Law by Daniel Hildebrandt Regional Hannover 17th
Law by Michael Bartel Regional Hannover 18th
Law by Bawan Amin Regional Hannover 31st
Law by Kevin Le Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 1st
Law by Chris Silva Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Law by Patrick Wei Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 3rd
Law by Jimmy Nguyen Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 10th
Law by Mauricio Gomez Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 11th
Law by Joshua Tan Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 15th
Law by Koty Regional Indianapolis at Gen Con 2nd
Law by Imran Regional Indianapolis at Gen Con 7th
Law by Yonas Abraham Regional Indianapolis at Gen Con 10th
Law by DDUDE0123 Regional Indianapolis at Gen Con 13th
Law by Brandon Mena Regional Mexico City 6th
Law by Mauricio Alexander Velázquez Hernández Regional Mexico City 16th
Law by Kyle Vo Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 4th
Law by Praveen Raju Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 7th
Law by Ty Shipman Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 10th
Law by Billy Tran Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 15th
Law by Kaishu Murakami Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 16th
Law by DDUDE0123 Treasure Cup Indianapolis at Gen Con 9th
Law by Nicky Goldman Treasure Cup Indianapolis at Gen Con 10th
Law by Nikita Matyukov Treasure Cup Indianapolis at Gen Con 12th
Law by Arnold Nadaban Treasure Cup Indianapolis at Gen Con 15th
Law by Kevin Zhao Treasure Cup Indianapolis at Gen Con 16th
Law by Hypu Regional Milan 12th
Law by Luigi Amato Regional Milan 20th
Law by wy890 Regional Milan 29th
Law by Joshua Graham LATAM TCG Online Regional 1st
Law by Alejandro Javier Coello Loyo LATAM TCG Online Regional 2nd
Law by Pedro Aleci Lobera Vicencio LATAM TCG Online Regional 7th
Law by Luis Peña LATAM TCG Online Regional 8th
Law by David Luong Regional Melbourne 2nd
Law by Dylan Mao Regional Melbourne 3rd
Law by Jimmy Shie Regional Melbourne 14th
Law by Volkan Sahin Regional Utrecht 3rd
Law by David Kresic Regional Utrecht 16th
Law by Francisco Cedeño LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 6th
Law by Emmanuel Jacobs LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 8th
Law by Iván Rodríguez LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 10th
Law by Jorge Recabal LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 12th
Law by Erick Vazquez Carta Magica Online Regional 6th
Law by Abdullah Alsaffar Carta Magica Online Regional 8th
Law by Steven Le Carta Magica Online Regional 18th
Law by Randy Rivera Carta Magica Online Regional 25th
Law by Connor McGrady Carta Magica Online Regional 28th
Law by Matias Roa LATAM TCG Online Regional 1st
Law by Joao Victor Almeida LATAM TCG Online Regional 3rd
Law by Daniela Guzmán González LATAM TCG Online Regional 13th
Law by Kaan Cekli TAK Games Online Regional 3rd
Law by Jason Tran TAK Games Online Regional 16th
Law by Arnold Nadaban Regional Mesquite, TX 2nd
Law by kentar Regional Mesquite, TX 7th
Law by Alan Regional Mesquite, TX 11th
Law by Randall T Regional Mesquite, TX 18th
Law by Jinhong "Xell" Kim Regional Mesquite, TX 20th
Law by AaronPlays Regional Mesquite, TX 28th
Law by Nicky Goldman Regional Mesquite, TX 30th
Law by Zihao Wang TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Law by Alexis Barry TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 4th
Law by Minqi Huang TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 9th
Law by Nicholas Tran TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 13th
Law by Elliot Charters TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 14th
Law by Stephen Iskandar TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 16th
Law by Edwin Lam PPG Online Regional 21st
Law by Hollis Zeng PPG Online Regional 31st
Law by Karl Angelo Miaral PPG Online Regional 32nd
Law by Mentzer OPE Online Regional 17th
Law by mrlpla OPE Online Regional 20th
Law by raionkai OPE Online Regional 30th
Law by Tobias Heller Regional Mülheim an der Ruhr 2nd
Law by Paul Brücklmeier Regional Mülheim an der Ruhr 13th
Law by Nicola Kunzelmann NoHEROES Online Regional 20th
Law by Alex Pereda Play!TCG Online Regional 11th
Law by Jose López Manresa NoHEROES Online Regional 2nd
Law by Daniel Hildebrandt NoHEROES Online Regional 23rd
Law by Duc Son Nguyen NoHEROES Online Regional 25th
Law by Justin Tyler Regional Los Angeles, CA 2nd
Law by Dillon Cheng Regional Los Angeles, CA 15th
Law by Allen Hsu Regional Los Angeles, CA 31st
Law by Dayne Higgins Regional Peoria, IL 2nd
Law by Timofei Rogov Regional Peoria, IL 7th
Law by Nickolas Diaz Regional Peoria, IL 8th
Law by Mason Solbrig Regional Peoria, IL 22nd
Law by Keith Fiandra Regional Peoria, IL 23rd
Law by Nicholas Pao Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 1st
Law by Brian Adamo Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 12th
Law by Jaafar Elmenini Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 13th
Law by Michael Silenski Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 19th
Law by Jeffrey Lee Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 20th
Law by Jason Tran Top Cut Events Online Treasure Cup 6th
Law by Peter Chung Top Cut Events Online Treasure Cup 15th
Law by Haruyuki Tachibana Top Cut Events Online Treasure Cup 16th
Law by Ty Shipman Top Cut Events Online Treasure Cup 29th
Law by Gunnar Collins Top Cut Events Online Treasure Cup 31st
Law by Francisco Cedeño Regional Montréal, QC 5th
Law by Haris Vakufac Regional Montréal, QC 16th
Law by Alejandro García Moreno Regional Mexico City 5th
Law by Francisco Cedeño Regional Mexico City 11th
Law by Matias Castro Regional Mexico City 13th
Law by Dexter Yam Top Cut Events Online Regional 30th
Law by JaeCyril Regional Wolverhampton 23rd
Law by Benjamin Gayraud Regional Wolverhampton 25th
Law by Tim Riefer Regional Krefeld 11th
Law by Zihao Wang TAK Games Online Regional 2nd
Law by TJ Lee TAK Games Online Regional 8th
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