Latest Updates: EB02OP11
Regional Krefeld DE
23rd March 2024 • 734 Players • OP06
This tournament was hosted through the Limitless Tournament Platform, which means you can find pairings, further standings, and more detailed statistics on the tournament page there.
# Player Deck List
1 Giovanni Salvatore Oliva Blue/Black Sakazuki
2 Kristian Čurla Black Moria
3 Francis Gutierrez Blue/Black Sakazuki
4 Enricomaria Rustico Blue/Purple Reiju
5 Michail Minadakis Blue/Black Sakazuki
6 Georgios Militsopoulos Blue/Purple Reiju
7 Gianluca Vincenzi Green/Yellow Yamato
8 Eduard Abramov Black Moria
9 Dennis Kuprijanov Blue/Black Sakazuki
10 Pierre Breuil Black Moria
11 Tim Riefer Red/Purple Law
12 Bugra Kürtül Yellow Katakuri
13 Asier Argal Yellow Katakuri
14 Lorenzo Carena Black Moria
15 Maurizio Intini Black Moria
16 Nikos Koukoulis Yellow Katakuri
17 Blue/Black Sakazuki
18 Kay-Janik Krappitz Yellow Katakuri
19 Julius Schürhoff Blue/Black Sakazuki
20 Federico Pastore Blue/Black Sakazuki
21 Sudi Liu Blue/Black Sakazuki
22 Muhammad Rafi Albab Black Moria
23 Robert Phillips Black Moria
24 Tristan Behrens Black Moria
25 Mirko Zanelli Black Moria
26 Thanh Chi Nguyen Black Moria
27 Michelangelo Picciano Yellow Katakuri
28 Hrvoje Hedžet Blue/Black Sakazuki
29 Sedat Dag Black Moria
30 Kevin Frani Yellow Katakuri
31 Luca Boselli Black Moria
32 Mischel Maltaric Black Moria