This tournament was hosted through the Limitless Tournament Platform, which means you can find pairings, further standings, and more detailed statistics on the tournament page there.
1st Francis Gutierrez
2nd Ruben Masoliver
3rd Sergio Fernández Serra
4th MrWeeMan
5th izidab
6th Antonio Festino
7th Baz
8th Kristian Čurla
9th Diyar Özdemir
10th Luigi Amato
11th Alessandro Magni
12th mushmelon
13th Pau Aracil Boigues
14th George Skeparnides
15th Dennis Kuprijanov
16th Alberto Zamora Cámara
17th Giacomo Bolis
18th On1TCG
19th Francesco Liuzzi
20th Ivan Neštický
21st Jacopo Fiorelli
22nd Tom D
23rd Andrea Zanotti
24th Anthony Boylan
25th MichaelK
26th Pol Gómez Font
27th jefferson996
28th Luca Caré
29th Thorben Piplack
30th Simone Falanga
31st Juan Méndez Casado
32nd Kalam