This tournament was hosted through the Limitless Tournament Platform, which means you can find pairings, further standings, and more detailed statistics on the tournament page there.
1st Enes Minkara
2nd Pau Aracil Boigues
3rd Julian Meininger
4th Antonelo Vukić
5th Alex Bairaktaridis
6th Davide Zavaglia
7th Keno Mandrysch
8th Hrvoje Hedžet
9th Joe McGee
10th Andres Sempere Rico
11th Jeremy Wattellier
12th Sedat Dag
13th Roberto Sanguedolce
14th Tristan Behrens
15th Pere Arbós Parets
16th Marko Koprčina
17th Roberto Léon Bennasar
18th Roberto Rondino
19th Luca Menghini
20th Nicola Kunzelmann
21st Hanno Hügelschäfer
22nd Bartosz Kosmacz
23rd Georgios Anastasiadis
24th Diyar Özdemir
25th Tom Kaiser
26th Oliver Klimczak
27th Luis Caja
28th David Soengas
29th Giorgos Giannikos
30th Ismael Martínez
31st Mirko Zanelli
32nd Daniel Ravn