This tournament was hosted through the Limitless Tournament Platform, which means you can find pairings, further standings, and more detailed statistics on the tournament page there.
1st Christian Heidepeter
2nd David Melendo Villena
3rd René Beiermann
4th Joshua Oosters
5th Julius Schürhoff
6th Alexander Heyne
7th Peter Ton
8th Nott Secksanh Pham-Huu
9th Jan Birkemeyer
10th Fabian Godglück
11th Sedat Dag
12th Stefan Gruhne
13th Enes Aktas
14th Cuong Tran
15th Alfredo Valenti
16th Davide Ferrari
17th Daniel Hildebrandt
18th Michael Bartel
19th Thanh Chi Nguyen
20th Hanno Hügelschäfer
21st Yunus Giritlioglu
22nd Massimo Geloso
23rd Edoardo Valenti
24th Salih Ince
25th Jonathan David
26th Steve Blecker
27th Peter Strauch
28th Benjamin Aschhoff
29th Thore Hueneke
30th Sebastian Lenhardt
31st Bawan Amin
32nd Luca Caré