This tournament was hosted through the Limitless Tournament Platform, which means you can find pairings, further standings, and more detailed statistics on the tournament page there.
1st Luka Forjan
2nd Aurélien Goulley
3rd Amir Yaghubi
4th Dennis Kuprijanov
5th Luigi Amato
6th Ali Kadouh
7th Diogo Lopes
8th Pere Arbós Parets
9th Aleksandras Šankinas
10th Georgios Militsopoulos
11th Edgar Zarco
12th Lucas Rioux
13th Andres Sempere Rico
14th Sebastian Matuszak
15th Lorenzo Massantini
16th Ivan Bošković Pavković
17th Maurizio Verduci
18th Fabian Godglück
19th Joe Li
20th Kevin Galler
21st Alessio Saraniero
22nd Daniel Schroff
23rd Ömer Yolcular
24th Georgios Karapiperis
25th Nicklas Danielsen
26th Alexandros Papadimas
27th David Garcia
28th Roberto Rondino
29th André Leal
30th Borna Majstorovic
31st Arthan Dumani
32nd Ioannis Charalampakis