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ST14-001 • 3D2Y

Decklists With This Card

Deck Tournament Place
Luffy by Fantome Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 27th
Luffy by Dennis Kuprijanov Championship Finals Utrecht 13th
Luffy by Trident565 Championship Finals Utrecht 16th
Luffy by Thorben Piplack Championship Finals Utrecht 29th
Luffy by Andrea Zanotti Championship Finals Utrecht 32nd
Luffy by Bartosz Kosmacz Championship Finals Utrecht 94th
Luffy by Ámbar Rosas Herrera Regional Mexico City 16th
Luffy by Andreas Harsche Regional Birmingham 13th
Luffy by Dennis - K PEC Occitania Online Treasure Cup 8th
Luffy by Ever Huchin Treasure Cup Cancún 2nd
Luffy by David Melendo Villena OPE Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Luffy by 303925260 Regional Utrecht 5th
Luffy by Nigel Regional Utrecht 8th
Luffy by Marugo Regional Utrecht 13th
Luffy by Xuri Regional Utrecht 18th
Luffy by Giovanni Salvatore Oliva Regional Utrecht 26th
Luffy by Ruben Truong Regional Utrecht 28th
Luffy by Lorenzo Gualandi Regional Bologna 6th
Luffy by Xevi Regional Barcelona 4th
Luffy by izidab Regional Barcelona 10th
Luffy by Silverify Regional Barcelona 11th
Luffy by Benjamin Gayraud Regional Barcelona 15th
Luffy by Antonino Borzi Championship Finals Milan 14th
Luffy by Cco pie Championship Finals Milan 16th
Luffy by Daniel Carta Magica Online Regional 6th
Luffy by Zachary Viel Carta Magica Online Regional 29th
Luffy by Giovanni Salvatore Oliva OPE Online Regional 7th
Luffy by MarioPetro OPE Online Regional 14th
Luffy by Molosso OPE Online Regional 28th
Luffy by Zihao Wang TAK Games Online Regional 1st
Luffy by Daniel Babiloni Championship Finals Paris 3rd
Luffy by enes5678 Championship Finals Paris 7th
Luffy by Nicolò Castellani Championship Finals Paris 32nd
Luffy by Erick Eliceo Ramirez Core TCG Online Regional 2nd
Luffy by Arcanyi Core TCG Online Regional 13th
Luffy by Jon Core TCG Online Regional 27th
Luffy by NeverKnowsBest Core TCG Online Regional 30th
Luffy by Peter Chung Core TCG Online Regional 31st
Luffy by Tanguy Beauvois noHEROES Online Regional 5th
Luffy by Paul Katens noHEROES Online Regional 11th
Luffy by Maximilian Greb noHEROES Online Regional 16th
Luffy by Rocco Loria noHEROES Online Regional 23rd
Luffy by Georgios Militsopoulos noHEROES Online Regional 29th
Luffy by Alejandro Gomez Regional Madrid 11th
Luffy by Matias Castro Regional São Paulo 3rd
Luffy by Bruno Decnop Regional São Paulo 7th
Luffy by Dante Saporito Regional São Paulo 10th
Luffy by Nahuel Moya Regional São Paulo 15th
Luffy by José Alberto Carmona Quiñones Regional Mexico City 4th
Luffy by Jonathan Cheng Regional Mexico City 9th
Luffy by Zihao Wang TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 8th
Luffy by Brandon Pawley TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 12th
Luffy by Trikydiky Championship Finals Dallas, TX 26th
Luffy by Daniel Peck Regional Auckland 7th
Luffy by Daniel Suh Regional Auckland 14th
Luffy by Luigi Amato Championship Finals Liverpool 10th
Luffy by Carmine Milone Championship Finals Liverpool 12th
Luffy by Gianluca Grillo Championship Finals Liverpool 13th
Luffy by Gianluca Noviello Championship Finals Liverpool 29th
Luffy by Giovanni Salvatore Oliva Championship Finals Liverpool 31st
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