Latest Updates: EB02OP11
Regional Madrid ES
5th October 2024 • 491 Players • OP08
This tournament was hosted through the Limitless Tournament Platform, which means you can find pairings, further standings, and more detailed statistics on the tournament page there.
# Player Deck List
1 Alessio Chianchiano
Black/Yellow Luffy
2 Alejandro Perez
Blue Nami
3 Benjamin Gayraud
Black/Yellow Luffy
4 Gabriele Di Bella
Black Lucci
5 Josep Jorda
Green Bonney
6 Yuri Del Governatore
Black Lucci
7 Pau Aracil Boigues
Black/Yellow Luffy
8 Maxime Pouzac
Black Lucci
9 José Luis Mármol Romero
Black/Yellow Luffy
10 Lucas Criado Martinez
Blue Nami
11 Alejandro Gomez
Black Luffy
12 Hisham Arellano
Green Bonney
13 Francisco Murtinheira
Blue/Purple Reiju
14 David Oporto Sala
Black/Yellow Luffy
15 Luis Joaquin Guillo Garri
Blue Doflamingo
16 Sebastián Urbano
Green Bonney