Latest Updates: EB02OP11

Vinsmoke Sora

OP06-063 • Wings of the Captain

Decklists With This Card

Deck Tournament Place
Reiju by Antonio Estrada García Championship Finals Mexico City 19th
Reiju by Stefano Vinci Championship Finals Utrecht 57th
Reiju by SamuPao998 Championship Finals Utrecht 114th
Reiju by Agochepunge Championship Finals Milan 15th
Reiju by Edux13 Carta Magica Online Regional 8th
Reiju by BurntHotPocket Carta Magica Online Regional 15th
Reiju by Harrison Browne TAK Games Online Regional 15th
Reiju by Sebastian Niklas noHEROES Online Regional 10th
Reiju by Rodrigo Queirós noHEROES Online Regional 13th
Reiju by Francisco Murtinheira Regional Madrid 13th
Reiju by Ki Ota Championship Finals Dallas, TX 2nd
Reiju by Justin Tyler Championship Finals Dallas, TX 21st
Reiju by Marc St Romain Championship Finals Dallas, TX 31st
Reiju by Vittorio Palumbo Championship Finals Liverpool 7th
Reiju by Raphael Neven Championship Finals Liverpool 28th
Reiju by Marc St Romain Regional Fort Worth, TX 2nd
Reiju by Maurizio Intini OPE Online Treasure Cup 13th
Reiju by Daniel Steuer Regional Peoria, IL 9th
Reiju by Ki Ota Regional Pasadena, CA 31st
Reiju by René Beiermann Regional Hannover 3rd
Reiju by Luca Caré Regional Hannover 32nd
Reiju by Luca Caré NoHEROES Online Regional 5th
Reiju by Luca Caré NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 30th
Reiju by Luca Caré OPE Online Treasure Cup 28th
Reiju by Emanuele Campagna NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 19th
Reiju by Donat Abdullahu NoHEROES Online Regional 4th
Reiju by Florian van de Graaf NoHEROES Online Regional 5th
Reiju by Roberto Rondino NoHEROES Online Regional 13th
Reiju by Jura Kukec NoHEROES Online Regional 27th
Reiju by Francisco Cedeño Regional Santiago 14th
Reiju by Dawson Hocking Regional Niagara Falls, ON 5th
Reiju by Justice Taylor Regional Niagara Falls, ON 13th
Reiju by Nicholas Pao Regional Kissimmee, FL 10th
Reiju by Sam Tuell Regional Kissimmee, FL 16th
Reiju by Jackie Moc Regional Arlington, TX 5th
Reiju by Yong Kang Regional Arlington, TX 12th
Reiju by Tyler Collier Regional Arlington, TX 15th
Reiju by Sage Cordova Regional Arlington, TX 17th
Reiju by Sam Martinez PPG Online Regional 21st
Reiju by Kavir Singh PPG Online Regional 31st
Reiju by Alejandro Javier Coello Loyo Regional Mexico City 6th
Reiju by fedemeco Regional Wolverhampton 13th
Reiju by Stefano Vinci Regional Wolverhampton 17th
Reiju by Davide Ferrari Regional Wolverhampton 30th
Reiju by Eduard Von Paulus Breiling Ramos LATAM TCG Online Regional 10th
Reiju by Ryan George Carta Magica Online Regional 15th
Reiju by Tyler Collier Carta Magica Online Regional 22nd
Reiju by Enricomaria Rustico Regional Krefeld 4th
Reiju by Georgios Militsopoulos Regional Krefeld 6th
Reiju by Klarenze Audrey David Regional Santa Clara, CA 6th
Reiju by Joel Suryadi TAK Games Online Regional 4th
Reiju by Briane Rivera TAK Games Online Regional 7th
Reiju by Derek Wayne Regional Toronto, ON 13th
Reiju by Sang Truong Regional Toronto, ON 15th
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