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NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup
4th May 2024 • 964 Players • OP06
This tournament was hosted through the Limitless Tournament Platform, which means you can find pairings, further standings, and more detailed statistics on the tournament page there.
# Player Deck List
1 Kristian Čurla Black Moria
2 Kevin Tulli Red Whitebeard
3 Sentho K. Yellow Katakuri
4 Alejandro Oliva Black Moria
5 Simone Falanga Black Moria
6 Miru Thas Green Uta
7 Stefano Quaglia Blue/Black Sakazuki
8 Keiryn West Blue/Black Sakazuki
9 Angelo Caprio Black/Yellow Luffy
10 Maurizio Intini Blue/Black Sakazuki
11 Mohamad Berri Yellow Katakuri
12 Matteo Bocchi Green/Yellow Yamato
13 Guido Falco Black Moria
14 Freddie Jones Yellow Katakuri
15 Hrvoje Hedžet Blue/Black Sakazuki
16 Francesco Tiriolo Blue/Black Sakazuki
17 Nil B. Blue/Black Sakazuki
18 Alberto Zamora Cámara Red Whitebeard
19 Emanuele Campagna Blue/Purple Reiju
20 Hanno Hügelschäfer Blue/Black Sakazuki
21 Kevin Lythgoe Red Whitebeard
22 Jean David Goliot Rodriguez Blue/Black Sakazuki
23 Carmelo Buttiglieri Blue/Black Sakazuki
24 Christos Konidaris Black Moria
25 Gianluca Tamborrino Black/Yellow Luffy
26 Ioulianos Lazaridis Blue/Black Sakazuki
27 Pablo Sales Belles Blue/Black Sakazuki
28 Georgios Zervopoulos Black Moria
29 Fabio Margherita Red Whitebeard
30 William Pizzi Blue/Black Sakazuki
31 Tim Burkhardt Yellow Katakuri
32 Francesco Liuzzi Blue/Black Sakazuki