Latest Updates: EB02OP11


ST06-006 • Absolute Justice

Decklists With This Card

Deck Tournament Place
Lucci by koby 401 Games Online Treasure Cup 17th
Smoker by Fernando Perez Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 17th
Smoker by Javier Ortiz OPE Online Treasure Cup 13th
Lucci by Poeydw Championship Finals Melbourne 8th
Smoker by Insults The Booster Box Online Treasure Cup 15th
Smoker by Sung223 The Booster Box Online Treasure Cup 31st
Smoker by whirlwindbarb Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 13th
Luffy by Fantome Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 27th
Smoker by Guillaume Plichard Championship Finals Utrecht 10th
Luffy by Dennis Kuprijanov Championship Finals Utrecht 13th
Luffy by Trident565 Championship Finals Utrecht 16th
Smoker by Pierre Breuil Championship Finals Utrecht 17th
Luffy by Thorben Piplack Championship Finals Utrecht 29th
Luffy by Andrea Zanotti Championship Finals Utrecht 32nd
Smoker by Luca Panini Championship Finals Utrecht 40th
Smoker by Ribbly Championship Finals Utrecht 45th
Smoker by Andre_1k3 Championship Finals Utrecht 50th
Smoker by Mawime Championship Finals Utrecht 75th
Luffy by Bartosz Kosmacz Championship Finals Utrecht 94th
Smoker by Federico Championship Finals Utrecht 125th
Smoker by Angel Torres Treasure Cup Santiago 5th
Luffy by Ámbar Rosas Herrera Regional Mexico City 16th
Smoker by Felipe Hanai Regional Santiago 1st
Luffy by Andreas Harsche Regional Birmingham 13th
Luffy by Dennis - K PEC Occitania Online Treasure Cup 8th
Luffy by Ever Huchin Treasure Cup Cancún 2nd
Luffy by David Melendo Villena OPE Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Luffy by 303925260 Regional Utrecht 5th
Luffy by Nigel Regional Utrecht 8th
Luffy by Marugo Regional Utrecht 13th
Luffy by Xuri Regional Utrecht 18th
Luffy by Giovanni Salvatore Oliva Regional Utrecht 26th
Luffy by Ruben Truong Regional Utrecht 28th
Luffy by Lorenzo Gualandi Regional Bologna 6th
Smoker by hot dawg Regional San Diego, CA 24th
Luffy by Xevi Regional Barcelona 4th
Luffy by izidab Regional Barcelona 10th
Luffy by Silverify Regional Barcelona 11th
Luffy by Benjamin Gayraud Regional Barcelona 15th
Luffy by Antonino Borzi Championship Finals Milan 14th
Luffy by Cco pie Championship Finals Milan 16th
Luffy by Daniel Carta Magica Online Regional 6th
Luffy by Zachary Viel Carta Magica Online Regional 29th
Luffy by Giovanni Salvatore Oliva OPE Online Regional 7th
Luffy by MarioPetro OPE Online Regional 14th
Luffy by Molosso OPE Online Regional 28th
Luffy by Zihao Wang TAK Games Online Regional 1st
Luffy by Daniel Babiloni Championship Finals Paris 3rd
Luffy by enes5678 Championship Finals Paris 7th
Sabo by Giacomo Mascheroni Championship Finals Paris 25th
Luffy by Nicolò Castellani Championship Finals Paris 32nd
Luffy by Erick Eliceo Ramirez Core TCG Online Regional 2nd
Luffy by Arcanyi Core TCG Online Regional 13th
Moria by deuce Core TCG Online Regional 18th
Luffy by Jon Core TCG Online Regional 27th
Luffy by NeverKnowsBest Core TCG Online Regional 30th
Luffy by Peter Chung Core TCG Online Regional 31st
Luffy by Tanguy Beauvois noHEROES Online Regional 5th
Luffy by Paul Katens noHEROES Online Regional 11th
Luffy by Maximilian Greb noHEROES Online Regional 16th
Luffy by Rocco Loria noHEROES Online Regional 23rd
Luffy by Georgios Militsopoulos noHEROES Online Regional 29th
Lucci by Gabriele Di Bella Regional Madrid 4th
Luffy by Alejandro Gomez Regional Madrid 11th
Luffy by Matias Castro Regional São Paulo 3rd
Luffy by Bruno Decnop Regional São Paulo 7th
Luffy by Dante Saporito Regional São Paulo 10th
Luffy by Nahuel Moya Regional São Paulo 15th
Luffy by José Alberto Carmona Quiñones Regional Mexico City 4th
Luffy by Jonathan Cheng Regional Mexico City 9th
Luffy by Zihao Wang TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 8th
Luffy by Brandon Pawley TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 12th
Luffy by Trikydiky Championship Finals Dallas, TX 26th
Luffy by Daniel Peck Regional Auckland 7th
Luffy by Daniel Suh Regional Auckland 14th
Luffy by Luigi Amato Championship Finals Liverpool 10th
Luffy by Carmine Milone Championship Finals Liverpool 12th
Luffy by Gianluca Grillo Championship Finals Liverpool 13th
Luffy by Gianluca Noviello Championship Finals Liverpool 29th
Luffy by Giovanni Salvatore Oliva Championship Finals Liverpool 31st
Moria by FotuRAN OPE Online Treasure Cup 18th
Moria by Zheng Wei Gerrard Ng Regional Perth 4th
Moria by Phi Nguyen Regional Pasadena, CA 22nd
Moria by Gustavo Salvador Romero Gomez LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 5th
Moria by Phuc Truong Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 12th
Moria by Phuc Truong Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 6th
Moria by Néstor Iván Rivera Espinosa LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 15th
Moria by Cristian Vargas LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 16th
Perona by JT Lara Carta Magica Online Regional 1st
Perona by Piper Lepine Carta Magica Online Regional 2nd
Moria by Néstor Iván Rivera Espinosa LATAM TCG Online Regional 8th
Moria by Alexis Lepe Rivas LATAM TCG Online Regional 9th
Moria by Jiawei Tai TAK Games Online Regional 4th
Perona by Paul F Regional Mesquite, TX 21st
Moria by Monkey D Lonely Regional Mesquite, TX 23rd
Moria by Kurtkey Regional Mesquite, TX 29th
Moria by Jiawei Tai TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 1st
Moria by Albert Tran TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 5th
Moria by Henry Lai TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 6th
Moria by Samuel Gibbs TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 8th
Moria by Jeffrey Lee PPG Online Regional 5th
Moria by Nicholas Staley PPG Online Regional 9th
Moria by Nicholas Coccaro PPG Online Regional 23rd
Moria by Chris DeStefano PPG Online Regional 25th
Moria by Seth Fitzpatrick PPG Online Regional 28th
Moria by András Kovács OPE Online Regional 3rd
Moria by FotuRAN OPE Online Regional 18th
Moria by Water7 OPE Online Regional 22nd
Moria by bill OPE Online Regional 24th
Moria by Blud OPE Online Regional 27th
Moria by Alex Bairaktaridis NoHEROES Online Regional 5th
Moria by Keno Mandrysch NoHEROES Online Regional 7th
Moria by Joe McGee NoHEROES Online Regional 9th
Moria by Sedat Dag NoHEROES Online Regional 12th
Moria by Roberto Sanguedolce NoHEROES Online Regional 13th
Moria by Marko Koprčina NoHEROES Online Regional 16th
Moria by Diyar Özdemir NoHEROES Online Regional 24th
Moria by Giorgos Giannikos NoHEROES Online Regional 29th
Moria by Victor Zeng Play!TCG Online Regional 7th
Moria by Chris Sok Play!TCG Online Regional 10th
Moria by Andy Wang Play!TCG Online Regional 13th
Moria by Ki Ota Play!TCG Online Regional 16th
Moria by Rocco Christian Sorrenti NoHEROES Online Regional 6th
Moria by Sedat Dag NoHEROES Online Regional 11th
Moria by Diyar Özdemir NoHEROES Online Regional 12th
Moria by Georgios Zervopoulos NoHEROES Online Regional 19th
Moria by Jamil Triaa NoHEROES Online Regional 24th
Moria by Panagiotis Pouliezos NoHEROES Online Regional 26th
Moria by Francisco José Díaz Giménez NoHEROES Online Regional 28th
Moria by Alex Juneja Regional Los Angeles, CA 9th
Moria by Hanno Hügelschäfer Treasure Cup Birmingham at UKGE 2nd
Moria by JakeCorona97 Treasure Cup Birmingham at UKGE 9th
Moria by Kristian Čurla Treasure Cup Birmingham at UKGE 15th
Moria by Kristian Čurla NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Moria by Sandro Kišur NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 4th
Moria by Andres Sempere Rico NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 6th
Moria by Lukas Buretzek NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 10th
Moria by Antonio Puerta NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 11th
Moria by Keno Mandrysch NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 13th
Moria by Mirsad Avdic NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 17th
Moria by Mehmet Kir NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 19th
Moria by Nicola Gallo NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 24th
Sakazuki by Reynaldo Cardenas Regional Peoria, IL 17th
Moria by Shane Slone Regional Peoria, IL 26th
Moria by Kristian Čurla OPE Online Treasure Cup 8th
Moria by Diyar Özdemir OPE Online Treasure Cup 9th
Moria by Ivan Neštický OPE Online Treasure Cup 20th
Moria by Jacopo Fiorelli OPE Online Treasure Cup 21st
Moria by jefferson996 OPE Online Treasure Cup 27th
Moria by Alexis Lepretre Regional Toulouse 23rd
Moria by Michael Teng Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 7th
Moria by Matthew Reed Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 21st
Moria by Jordan Moore Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 24th
Moria by Allen Lu TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 4th
Moria by Kevin Nayda TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 11th
Moria by Ernest Su TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 12th
Moria by Nel Magdaleno TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 15th
Moria by Eric Xue Top Cut Events Online Treasure Cup 19th
Moria by Neiss Lim Regional Brisbane 1st
Moria by Elliot Charters Regional Brisbane 11th
Moria by Jason Pan Regional Brisbane 14th
Moria by Indi Watts Regional Brisbane 16th
Moria by Erick Villanueva Priego LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 9th
Moria by Cristian Rabanal LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 10th
Moria by Kristian Čurla NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 1st
Moria by Alejandro Oliva NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 4th
Moria by Nicholas Coccaro Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 10th
Moria by Sajad Al Rishawi Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 13th
Moria by Néstor Iván Rivera Espinosa Regional Mexico City 14th
Moria by Dennis Weiss NoHEROES Online Regional 3rd
Moria by Francisco José Díaz Giménez NoHEROES Online Regional 7th
Moria by Kristian Čurla NoHEROES Online Regional 20th
Moria by Mahdi David Rihan NoHEROES Online Regional 23rd
Moria by Adrian Dursun NoHEROES Online Regional 26th
Moria by David Field Regional Santiago 6th
Moria by Carlos Troncoso Regional Santiago 7th
Moria by Anthony Schoenacher Regional Niagara Falls, ON 14th
Moria by Micah Green Regional Niagara Falls, ON 15th
Moria by Elliot Charters Regional Sydney 1st
Moria by Allen Lu Regional Sydney 2nd
Moria by Khoi Nguyen Regional Sydney 15th
Moria by Jesse Borel Regional Arlington, TX 1st
Moria by Matthew Peters Regional Arlington, TX 9th
Moria by Den Le Regional Peoria, IL 4th
Moria by Ruben Mendoza Regional Peoria, IL 14th
Moria by Alexander Bossio Regional Hampton, VA 13th
Moria by Josh Missiha PPG Online Regional 1st
Moria by Chris Sok PPG Online Regional 8th
Perona by Brandon Ying PPG Online Regional 9th
Moria by Kalvin Deng PPG Online Regional 12th
Moria by Chris Silva PPG Online Regional 16th
Moria by Michael Tham PPG Online Regional 29th
Moria by Gustavo Salvador Romero Gomez Regional Mexico City 14th
Moria by Chris Sok Top Cut Events Online Regional 2nd
Moria by Ernesto Narez Top Cut Events Online Regional 5th
Sakazuki by Reynaldo Cardenas Top Cut Events Online Regional 13th
Moria by Josh Beard Top Cut Events Online Regional 16th
Moria by Felix Roessler Top Cut Events Online Regional 18th
Moria by Jacobi Schreiter Top Cut Events Online Regional 27th
Moria by Hanno Hügelschäfer Regional Wolverhampton 2nd
Moria by Pierre Breuil Regional Wolverhampton 4th
Moria by Guglielmo Morselli Regional Wolverhampton 7th
Perona by ggAri Regional Wolverhampton 14th
Moria by Monster Regional Wolverhampton 18th
Moria by William Craddock Carta Magica Online Regional 10th
Moria by Henry Zhong Carta Magica Online Regional 12th
Moria by Thomas Nguyen Carta Magica Online Regional 23rd
Moria by Eduard Abramov Regional Krefeld 8th
Moria by Muhammad Rafi Albab Regional Krefeld 22nd
Moria by Robert Phillips Regional Krefeld 23rd
Moria by Tristan Behrens Regional Krefeld 24th
Moria by Thanh Chi Nguyen Regional Krefeld 26th
Moria by Luca Boselli Regional Krefeld 31st
Moria by Justin Saenz Regional Santa Clara, CA 2nd
Moria by Adrian Mui Regional Santa Clara, CA 3rd
Moria by Elliot Charters TAK Games Online Regional 3rd
Perona by Maxwell Rees TAK Games Online Regional 12th
Moria by Sandeep Sukumar TAK Games Online Regional 16th
Sakazuki by Guan Rong World Championship 2024 1st
Sakazuki by Hrvoje Hedžet World Championship 2024 2nd
Sakazuki by Jackson Hoang World Championship 2024 3rd
Sakazuki by シロッコくん World Championship 2024 4th
Sakazuki by David Schulz NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Sakazuki by GiuseppeSol NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 3rd
Sakazuki by Andres Sempere Rico NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 4th
Sakazuki by Luca De Angelis NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 5th
Sakazuki by Fabian Godglück NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 6th
Sakazuki by Alessandro Di Balsamo NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 7th
Sakazuki by Leonardo Galufo NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 8th
Sakazuki by Antonio Festino NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 9th
Sakazuki by Andrea De Simone NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 10th
Sakazuki by Imran Khan Jadoon NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 13th
Sakazuki by Vasil Boev NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 16th
Sakazuki by Sebastian Lenhardt NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 20th
Sakazuki by Hrvoje Hedžet NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 21st
Sakazuki by Max Sossna NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 23rd
Sakazuki by Jedjackk NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 25th
Sakazuki by Arman Haji-Ghassemi NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 27th
Sakazuki by Adrian Dursun NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 29th
Sakazuki by Federico Bernardini NoHEROES Online Treasure Cup 31st
Sakazuki by Borinquen Rodriguez Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Sakazuki by Phuoc Dinh Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 4th
Sakazuki by Joshua Graham Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 6th
Sakazuki by Jason Le Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 8th
Sakazuki by Harrison Shih Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 9th
Sakazuki by Paul Berman Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 12th
Sakazuki by Jacob Rixhan Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 16th
Sakazuki by Minqi Huang TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Sakazuki by Lam Nguyen TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 4th
Sakazuki by Kam Ho Lau TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 8th
Sakazuki by Joel Suryadi TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 10th
Sakazuki by Stephen Iskandar TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 14th
Sakazuki by Neiss Lim TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 15th
Sakazuki by Volkan S. Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Sakazuki by Savi I. Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 3rd
Sakazuki by Charilaos S. Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 5th
Sakazuki by Georgi K. Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 6th
Sakazuki by Riccardo B. Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 8th
Sakazuki by Ahmad Sabti Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 13th
Sakazuki by Richard Yam Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 5th
Sakazuki by Tristan Brank Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 7th
Sakazuki by Brian Le Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 11th
Sakazuki by Deep Patel Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 13th
Sakazuki by Mark Spero Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 16th
Sakazuki by Alexis Romero Soto LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 1st
Sakazuki by Francisco Cedeño LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Sakazuki by João Victor Almeida LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 7th
Sakazuki by Jose Luis Alva Cuadros LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 9th
Sakazuki by Christian Muñoz LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 12th
Sakazuki by Angel Contreras Medina LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 15th
Sakazuki by Anthony Taylor PPG Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Sakazuki by Koty Angeloff PPG Online Treasure Cup 4th
Sakazuki by Ted Zimmerman PPG Online Treasure Cup 5th
Sakazuki by Holden Miller PPG Online Treasure Cup 7th
Sakazuki by Arvind Velusamy PPG Online Treasure Cup 8th
Sakazuki by Dylan Hall PPG Online Treasure Cup 11th
Sakazuki by Ying Huang PPG Online Treasure Cup 14th
Sakazuki by Yazan Habashy PPG Online Treasure Cup 15th
Sakazuki by Ryan Dinh Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 5th
Sakazuki by David Robinson Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 9th
Sakazuki by Haijie Ren Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 11th
Sakazuki by Adam Fowler Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 12th
Sakazuki by Alan Gee Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 13th
Sakazuki by Leo Quiroga Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 15th
Sakazuki by William Montes Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 16th
Sakazuki by Jackson Hoang North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 2nd
Sakazuki by Andrew Jacobson North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 5th
Sakazuki by Koty Angeloff North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 8th
Sakazuki by Joshua Gutierrez North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 9th
Sakazuki by Stanley Chen North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 10th
Sakazuki by Roy Choi North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 13th
Sakazuki by Adrian Mui North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 16th
Sakazuki by Phuoc Dinh North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 17th
Sakazuki by Isaiah Miller North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 19th
Sakazuki by Clayton Hill North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 20th
Sakazuki by Yong Kang North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 22nd
Sakazuki by Joseph Nguyen North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 24th
Sakazuki by Brian Adamo North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 26th
Sakazuki by Samuel Morales North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 28th
Sakazuki by Deep Patel North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 30th
Sakazuki by Kevin Zhao North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 32nd
Sakazuki by Ramin Ghodoumipour North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 33rd
Sakazuki by Jaru Mejino North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 34th
Sakazuki by Francis Denton North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 35th
Sakazuki by Shuyun Wei North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 36th
Sakazuki by David Zhang North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 38th
Sakazuki by Borinquen Rodriguez North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 40th
Sakazuki by Jason Lam North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 43rd
Sakazuki by Arman Hirani North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 45th
Sakazuki by James Truong North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 46th
Sakazuki by Nhat Thanh Ha North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 48th
Sakazuki by Vikaran Kadaba North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 49th
Sakazuki by William Craddock North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 50th
Sakazuki by Colin Wong North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 51st
Sakazuki by Billy MacManus North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 59th
Sakazuki by Ryan Bautista North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 60th
Sakazuki by Joshua Graham North America Championship Finals, Los Angeles 62nd
Sakazuki by Minqi Huang Oceania Championship Finals, Melbourne 2nd
Sakazuki by Luke Fletcher Oceania Championship Finals, Melbourne 3rd
Sakazuki by Jasper Zowiesyah Oceania Championship Finals, Melbourne 4th
Sakazuki by Diego Saul Proaño Morocho Latin America Championship Finals, Santiago 5th
Sakazuki by Dylan Mao Oceania Championship Finals, Melbourne 6th
Sakazuki by Tomas Daniel Alvarez Latin America Championship Finals, Santiago 6th
Sakazuki by Daniel Peck Oceania Championship Finals, Melbourne 8th
Sakazuki by Francisco Cedeño Latin America Championship Finals, Santiago 9th
Sakazuki by Joshua Salverredy Oceania Championship Finals, Melbourne 10th
Sakazuki by Milton Arriagada Latin America Championship Finals, Santiago 10th
Sakazuki by Terence Leong Oceania Championship Finals, Melbourne 12th
Sakazuki by Zhao Tee Oceania Championship Finals, Melbourne 13th
Sakazuki by Francisco Valdes Latin America Championship Finals, Santiago 15th
Sakazuki by Fabian Godglück Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 1st
Sakazuki by Hrvoje Hedžet Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 2nd
Sakazuki by Antonino Borzi Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 3rd
Sakazuki by Mirko Zanelli Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 4th
Sakazuki by Francis Gutierrez Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 5th
Sakazuki by Leonardo Galufo Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 8th
Sakazuki by Pere Arbós Parets Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 10th
Sakazuki by Pierre Breuil Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 14th
Sakazuki by Lars Hoffmann Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 17th
Sakazuki by Jan Moy Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 18th
Sakazuki by Jared Tsirides Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 23rd
Sakazuki by Jonathan Bendin Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 26th
Sakazuki by Bartolome Cortijos Perez Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 27th
Sakazuki by Roberto Léon Bennasar Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 29th
Sakazuki by An Qi Xu Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 30th
Sakazuki by Maurizio Intini Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 32nd
Sakazuki by Sang Nguyen Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 40th
Sakazuki by Albin Christianson Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 41st
Sakazuki by George Starling Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 42nd
Sakazuki by Gianluca Di Clemente Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 46th
Sakazuki by Adrian Dursun Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 50th
Sakazuki by Hanno Hügelschäfer Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 53rd
Sakazuki by Luca Moser Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 54th
Sakazuki by Marco Bruccoleri Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 55th
Sakazuki by David Mujaddidi Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 56th
Sakazuki by Iason Giannikos Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 57th
Sakazuki by Tobias Stockert Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 62nd
Sakazuki by Maurice Neijman Europe Championship Finals, Utrecht 64th
Sakazuki by Joris Verhelst Treasure Cup Hannover 1st
Sakazuki by Mattia Silveri Treasure Cup Hannover 2nd
Sakazuki by Jan Moy Treasure Cup Hannover 3rd
Sakazuki by Tolga Kiyak Treasure Cup Hannover 7th
Sakazuki by Jonathan Bendin Treasure Cup Hannover 10th
Sakazuki by Dalibor Sain Treasure Cup Hannover 12th
Sakazuki by Hanno Hügelschäfer Treasure Cup Hannover 16th
Sakazuki by Ahmad Sabti Treasure Cup Hannover 17th
Sakazuki by Ömer Yolcular Treasure Cup Hannover 18th
Sakazuki by Arman Haji-Ghassemi Treasure Cup Hannover 19th
Sakazuki by Hüsnü Akgündüz Treasure Cup Hannover 23rd
Sakazuki by Emre Kilic Treasure Cup Hannover 24th
Sakazuki by Giacomo Einaudi Treasure Cup Hannover 25th
Sakazuki by Juan Victor Echeverria Treasure Cup Hannover 26th
Sakazuki by Erick Eliceo Ramirez Regional Los Angeles 5th
Sakazuki by Joseph Yeh Regional Los Angeles 6th
Sakazuki by Samuel Morales Regional Los Angeles 8th
Sakazuki by Francisco Jacobs Regional Los Angeles 12th
Sakazuki by Matthew Chen Regional Los Angeles 13th
Sakazuki by Brandon Saldivar Regional Los Angeles 15th
Sakazuki by Pierre Breuil Treasure Cup Paris 1st
Sakazuki by Gianluca Grillo Treasure Cup Paris 2nd
Sakazuki by Tanguy Resmond Treasure Cup Paris 4th
Sakazuki by Hrvoje Hedžet Treasure Cup Paris 5th
Sakazuki by Carmine Avallone Treasure Cup Paris 6th
Sakazuki by Matteo Longhin Treasure Cup Paris 8th
Sakazuki by Valentin Pommier Treasure Cup Paris 9th
Sakazuki by Matteo Marchese Treasure Cup Paris 12th
Sakazuki by Nicolas Parisi Treasure Cup Paris 14th
Smoker by Federico Santagati Regional Barcelona 4th
Rebecca by Dicle Regional Barcelona 8th
Lucci by Vicente Carrizo LATAM TCG Online Treasure Cup 9th
Luffy by Alex Kim Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 4th
Lucci by Kyle Bailey Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 30th
Rebecca by Łukasz Mirek Regional Liverpool 3rd
Rebecca by Eric Trochez Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 5th
Zephyr by Kevin Pires Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 15th
Smoker by Miguel Garcia Regional Pasadena, CA 14th
Rebecca by Giacomo Einaudi Regional Lyon 2nd
Luffy by Michail Minadakis Regional Utrecht 14th
Rebecca by Joseph Sclauzero TAK Games Online Regional 1st
Rebecca by Daniel Adams TAK Games Online Regional 11th
Rebecca by Albert Mason Top Cut Events Online Regional 32nd
Rebecca by Nicholas Pao Carta Magica Online Regional 15th
Rebecca by Carlo Fontana NoHEROES Online Regional 10th
Lucci by Vicente Carrizo LATAM TCG Online Regional 4th
Rebecca by Mitchell Wood Regional Melbourne 9th
Rebecca by Jake Wilson Regional Melbourne 15th
Rebecca by Nicholas Pao Regional Knoxville, TN 17th
Rebecca by Nolan Allen Regional Knoxville, TN 28th
Luffy by Orlando Carrion Regional Knoxville, TN 31st
Luffy by Justin Tüllmann Regional Bielefeld 2nd
Smoker by Lucas Rioux Regional Bielefeld 17th
Lucci by Niklas Richter Regional Bielefeld 20th
Lucci by Maximilian Stübing Regional Bielefeld 23rd
Lucci by Manel Sala Sendra Regional Alicante 7th
Lucci by Clayton Hill Regional Orlando, FL 5th
Lucci by Mike Taheri Regional Orlando, FL 13th
Lucci by Michail M. Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 11th
Lucci by Kyle Waple Regional Tulsa, OK 7th
Lucci by Bowen Peng Regional Sydney 3rd
Lucci by Jake Truong Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 7th
Lucci by Eddie Paras Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 16th
Lucci by Gabriel E. Rodríguez Regional Mexico City 14th
Lucci by Yonas Abraham Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 5th
Lucci by Luis Angel Urena Lopez Gen Con Online Regional 2nd
Smoker by Kevin Pires Gen Con Online Treasure Cup 7th
Lucci by Abdulkarim Almerji Treasure Cup Indianapolis at Gen Con 4th
Smoker by Dexter Reilly Core TCG Online Regional 13th
Lucci by Alexandro C. Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 15th
Lucci by Clayton Hill PPG Online Regional 2nd
Lucci by Jake Truong PPG Online Regional 11th
Lucci by Muachee Yang PPG Online Regional 20th
Lucci by Quang Tran PPG Online Regional 23rd
Lucci by Gavin Gonzalez PPG Online Regional 32nd
Smoker by Carlos Aguilera LATAM TCG Online Regional 16th
Lucci by Sebastian Lenhardt Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 1st
Lucci by Phillip Bodurtha Play!TCG Online Regional 3rd
Lucci by Joan Cañizares Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 11th
Lucci by Jonathan Galletti Regional Bologna 8th
Lucci by Antonino Borzi Regional Bologna 10th
Smoker by Toni Meca Treasure Cup Barcelona 11th
Smoker by Matthew Chapman Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup 8th
Smoker by Davor Lipovec Regional Birmingham at UKGE 3rd
Smoker by Jinbei Regional Birmingham at UKGE 5th
Smoker by Jake Truong Play!TCG Online Treasure Cup 16th
Smoker by Erik B. Raid'n'Trade Online Treasure Cup 8th
Smoker by Bowen Peng TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 2nd
Smoker by Kenny Truong TAK Games Online Treasure Cup 10th
Smoker by Justin Tüllmann Regional Mülheim an der Ruhr 1st
Smoker by Alexej Vollmer Regional Mülheim an der Ruhr 6th
Smoker by Brian Kaiser Regional Mülheim an der Ruhr 7th
Smoker by Michael Lang Regional Mülheim an der Ruhr 22nd
Garp by Diego Dimas Regional Arlington, TX 32nd
Smoker by Alessandro Gasso Regional Milan 14th
Smoker by Yonas Abraham Core TCG Online Treasure Cup 5th
Smoker by Tyson Haynes Regional Brisbane 15th
Smoker by Zack Sleiman Regional Melbourne 13th
Smoker by Terrion Williams Regional Montreal, QC 9th
Smoker by Vincent Chiang Top Cut Events Online Regional 15th
Smoker by Michael I. Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 5th
Zephyr by Denzel Zabaza Carta Magica Online Regional 5th
Smoker by Earl Toledo Carta Magica Online Regional 12th
Smoker by Orion Watson Carta Magica Online Regional 13th
Smoker by Andrea C. Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 1st
Smoker by Vincenzo Avitabile Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 3rd
Smoker by Nathan M. Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 6th
Zephyr by Diego B. Raid'n'Trade Online Regional 13th
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