Latest Updates: EB02OP11
Treasure Cup Birmingham at UKGE GB
1st June 2024 • 436 Players • OP06
This tournament was hosted through the Limitless Tournament Platform, which means you can find pairings, further standings, and more detailed statistics on the tournament page there.
# Player Deck List
1 Anthony Boylan Black Moria
2 Hanno Hügelschäfer Black Moria
3 sAxSmakrat Blue/Black Sakazuki
4 mushmelon Green/Yellow Yamato
5 Vykintas95 Red Whitebeard
6 On1TCG Blue/Black Sakazuki
7 Davide Di Martino Blue/Black Sakazuki
8 Davide Ferrari Black Moria
9 JakeCorona97 Black Moria
10 jonnyt6111 Blue Nami
11 edwardli090 Red Whitebeard
12 David Ponces Blue/Black Sakazuki
13 Elijah479 Blue/Black Sakazuki
14 David Melendo Villena Red/Purple Luffy
15 Kristian Čurla Black Moria
16 NocturnalPlex Yellow Katakuri