Latest Updates: OP09Liverpool Finals
Regional Lyon FR
4th November 2023 • 640 Players • OP04
This tournament was hosted through the Limitless Tournament Platform, which means you can find pairings, further standings, and more detailed statistics on the tournament page there.

Most successful Leaders

# Deck Count Share Points
1 Whitebeard 12 37.50% 132
2 Zoro 7 21.88% 81
3 Law 4 12.50% 54
4 Queen 2 6.25% 27
4 Doflamingo 2 6.25% 21
6 Rebecca 1 3.13% 21
6 Katakuri 1 3.13% 15
6 Yamato 1 3.13% 12
6 Ace 1 3.13% 9
6 Kid 1 3.13% 9

Most successful Colors

# Color Count Share Points
1 Red 24 75.00% 276
2 Green 7 21.88% 84
3 Yellow 4 12.50% 54
4 Blue 3 9.38% 48
5 Purple 2 6.25% 21
6 Black 1 3.13% 21